**WINNER** 2014 Year End GAW

#789 if available pls.

My favourite knive is XM18, it sets the standard to everything else I get.

#318 Good sir please and thanks. My 940-1 has been with me through the good and bad this year… Mainly good :cool:

Generous give away. I would like number 16 if it is available.

My favorite knife is this Burt Foster. I love the laminated steel and blade profile. The sheath is really cool, and Burt is a nice guy.

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Thanks for the giveaway! I'll take number 341 if available.

My favorite knife is my John Lloyd swayback, given to me by the man himself.

Awesome knife Ryan -- Happy New Year and congrats to whoever wins it tomorrow.
I'd like #862 please.
My favorite knife is my BK11.

Thanks for the chance Ryan. That truly is a beauty you made.


My Bill Siegle Becker handled Bolo:

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I'd like #2
My favorite knife is my damascus rexford. Thanks for great giveaway.
ALRIGHT... This thing is Closed!

I will take a little time to make sure all numbers are assigend and second chances are valid then announce a the winner, be patient please! It will be today.
We have a winner!!

congrats to the winner - thanks for the generosity and the chance and best wishes for the new year!
Oh man that's awesome. Truly honored to add this one to my Weeks collection.

Thanks Ryan, Lorien and David for giving away your hard works and talents.

So stoked, I'll send ya a message shortly Ryan.
Thanks for the great giveaway Ryan and congrats to jball1125 on winning an awsome combo.
Great, get to start the new year off with severe depression.:(;) Ryan owning one of your knives will be a grail for me. Every single one I've seen from you is phenomenal. I truly mean that. Will probably have to hit you up for pricing in the months to come after saving up some green. Jball congratsssss( speaking through snarled lips and clenched teeth;)) but I'm bitter with depression not coveting this beauty. Ryan Thank You again for the chance and the extraordinary knives that come out of your shop.:thumbup: