Are knife guys nicer than gun guys or is it just this forum?

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With age comes wisdom. Spark has been running BF for 25 years. He set up the house rules by which we all play.
On that note, would it be taboo to ask what the average BF member’s age is? Surely mods (or the sysadmin) can make a good guess based on membership info. opposed to the forum which is legendary for the great number of A'holes that think they are high speed, low drag operators and so must know everything about AR's and all other firearms.
It think that is the difference. People's identity isn't centred around knives. So every disagreement isn't an attack on their very soul.
On that note, would it be taboo to ask what the average BF member’s age is? Surely mods (or the sysadmin) can make a good guess based on membership info.

Some members publish their age in their profiles. You can do a little research and come up with some ideas.
It also depends a lot on which gun forums you're on.
Sig Talk is actually pretty good. Lots of knowledgeable Sig owners there who gravitate towards the classic Sig P series guns. Which probably skews the demographic slightly older since they tend to like DA/SA pistols more than the younger generations.

AK Files is pretty atrocious. Glock Talk is a mixed bag. Cal Guns is a horror show
I have had this thought many times. I'm even politically similar to a lot of the average gun board members, but on so many gun forums, it's like people are looking for a reason to disagree and be nasty, and no one believes there's such a thing as a difference simply of opinion. I got tired of people ripping on me for only sharing 90% of their opinions.
... it's like people are looking for a reason to disagree and be nasty
As Abe Lincoln supposedly said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Either consciously or unconsciously, we choose our frame of mind & projected attitude. If someone wants to be contentious and is looking for a squabble, the chip on their shoulder should bring one their way. An old pet theory of mine says people find what they go looking for.
This is a pretty nice neighborhood lol. I think that a lot of gun people tend to be young guys (the worlds most objectively annoying demographic lol) who just have to be right all of the time and think theyre the most ubertacticool. Seems like there are some older, saner voices here and the mods do a great job. 👍👍Plus guns are a political issue that people get their identity wrapped up in so things get weird fast. I dont belong to any gun forums but I have noticed the same stuff, tactical gun forums seem awful while lower speed, higher drag places like "rimfirecentral" seem pretty cool.

Just gonna leave this here... the best kept secret of Bladeforums and maybe all of internet-dom is the Traditional section here aka "The Porch". Great people, laid back fun conversation, wonderful photos and knowledge and generosity, it is just great. I really cannot speak highly enough of the Traditional knives section here!😊
Absolutely. The knife community is so much better than the gun community. It's not just on the boards here either. Just compare a couple YouTube comment sections. That's all the evidence you'll ever need. I generally don't even try to associate with them anymore. The weird thing about it is, in person gun guys are usually great. I've had tons of awesome days just sitting and bullshitting with random people at the range. It's when you get to the internet that everyone turns horrible. Everyone thinks they're an expert. They often fanboy for some particular company, and god forbid you like something they don't.
Absolutely. The knife community is so much better than the gun community. It's not just on the boards here either. Just compare a couple YouTube comment sections. That's all the evidence you'll ever need. I generally don't even try to associate with them anymore. The weird thing about it is, in person gun guys are usually great. I've had tons of awesome days just sitting and bullshitting with random people at the range. It's when you get to the internet that everyone turns horrible. Everyone thinks they're an expert. They often fanboy for some particular company, and god forbid you like something they don't.
My experience exactly. Almost 100% of my interactions with gun people in person have been positive. The friendliest people in the world and it’s like you are all in the same club. All races, all socio-economic strata, male, female, doesn’t matter. As soon as you get onto a forum, if you prefer a weapon light on your carry pistol or shoot this caliber instead of that, it’s character assassination time even though no one has any clue who is on the other end. So bizarre
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Knives are a much more diversified subject. We have 10s of thousands of recognized makers and many more if we include the history of knives going back to the Stone Age. It is hard to compare that to an industry that has only been around for few hundred years and is completely dominated by a couple of dozen brands.

Imagine what the gun business would be like if there were 10s of thousands of John Browning-like designers freely innovating with materials and techniques and coming up with and marketing all sorts of novel products. We would be hunting deer and bear with rail guns and self-guiding homing projectiles; and, talking about how the latest design had been licenses to Smith and Wesson for mass production.:p

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Nah I think it’s just this forum. Tons of idiots on Reddit, mostly in the “knives” or “knife club” groups. Bunch of know-it-all Gen Z morons drooling over fidgety factor and HRC numbers 🤯
Also, people who post logical comments get down voted like crazy (in other words, you’re not bashing on the right knives, like Benchmade and Medford, etc 🙄)
People in the small groups like Hinderer, Microtech and ZT pages are cool tho for the most part, just like here.
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This is a pretty nice neighborhood lol. I think that a lot of gun people tend to be young guys (the worlds most objectively annoying demographic lol) who just have to be right all of the time and think theyre the most ubertacticool. Seems like there are some older, saner voices here and the mods do a great job. 👍👍Plus guns are a political issue that people get their identity wrapped up in so things get weird fast. I dont belong to any gun forums but I have noticed the same stuff, tactical gun forums seem awful while lower speed, higher drag places like "rimfirecentral" seem pretty cool.

Just gonna leave this here... the best kept secret of Bladeforums and maybe all of internet-dom is the Traditional section here aka "The Porch". Great people, laid back fun conversation, wonderful photos and knowledge and generosity, it is just great. I really cannot speak highly enough of the Traditional knives section here!😊
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