Do you guys play video games?

I recently dug my old ps2 out of my dad’s attic. Got it around ‘04 or so. It had quit reading discs a long time ago and I wanted to try and fix it. I bought a $10 OEM replacement laser, swapped that out and did some adjustment and servicing of the disc track and it’s running smooth with no more grinding and is reading all discs again.

I’m pretty happy to be able to use it again as there’s many great memories with it. I’ve been buying some “new” games for it as well. I bought resident evil directors cut and resident evil 2, and have a list of various other ps1 and ps2 games I’d like to get. Might get an HDMI upscaler too, don’t know much about them but I’ve been looking into it.
I recently dug my old ps2 out of my dad’s attic. Got it around ‘04 or so. It had quit reading discs a long time ago and I wanted to try and fix it. I bought a $10 OEM replacement laser, swapped that out and did some adjustment and servicing of the disc track and it’s running smooth with no more grinding and is reading all discs again.

I’m pretty happy to be able to use it again as there’s many great memories with it. I’ve been buying some “new” games for it as well. I bought resident evil directors cut and resident evil 2, and have a list of various other ps1 and ps2 games I’d like to get. Might get an HDMI upscaler too, don’t know much about them but I’ve been looking into it.
Highly recommend the Resident Evil 2 Remake if you can grab it on PS4 or PS5.

Dang, I missed the PS2 era. Would’ve loved to play God of War and Metal Gear Solid 3 back then. Started out in the PS3 era. 😅
Highly recommend the Resident Evil 2 Remake if you can grab it on PS4 or PS5.

Dang, I missed the PS2 era. Would’ve loved to play God of War and Metal Gear Solid 3 back then. Started out in the PS3 era. 😅

I do have the re2 remake, really like that one. I’ve played all the resident evil games I could get on xbox 360 and XB1, which led me to fix the ps2 so I could play the original 1, 2 and 3.

Unfortunately the new resident evil 4 remake will not be on xbox 1 so I’m out of luck there. Not buying a new $500 xbox yet just for one game.
I do have the re2 remake, really like that one. I’ve played all the resident evil games I could get on xbox 360 and XB1, which led me to fix the ps2 so I could play the original 1, 2 and 3.

Unfortunately the new resident evil 4 remake will not be on xbox 1 so I’m out of luck there. Not buying a new $500 xbox yet just for one game.


However, Starfield will likely change that.
The expanded knife combat looks sublime

I looked up a video of it. Looks like "press the right buttons at the right time to unleash preprogrammed motion capture animations". You have succeeded in extracting an admission from me. There is a game I still play. I used to play it a few days a week. I don't play this one very often now, but I decided to play it tonight, and record it for you, after reading your comment.

This is, in my opinion, the best melee combat simulator going, and nothing else holds a candle to it. It is not based on animations, like everything else, but a physics engine, where every muscle in the character's body actually exerts a push or pull against balance and gravity to allow the most realistic possible movements.

I first got this game just over four years ago, and have hundreds of hours of practice into it by now. I am by no means an expert, but I think I did okay for tonight's "shaking off the rust" session (my first back in at least a month or two). No other game has this control configuration. It gives unprecedented control over the character's movement. But because of the unique control style, if you have not played the game before, you'll probably have to play and die a dozen or more times to the first guy with the spiked club before you even get a win. I know I did. But the control system is extremely simple once you get the hang of it, making it easy to win fights using tactics, distance, timing, feints, ripostes, etc. Your hits do damage in relation to placement, angle, and velocity, which is all dictated by your ability to move the character to the right place at the right time. Gamers who are also into HEMA would probably like this game.

I just show the practice arena but there is also a career mode where you build a roster of fighters, and a dungeon crawling mode where you face all kinds of nasty monsters.

Anyway, this is one of the two games I keep coming back to from time to time. I don't know if I will actually show the other one. But I might. This other one I have been playing off and on for thirty years, and it is still fresh for me to this day thanks to an enduring modding community.
Play it all, mostly been Rust the last couple of years.

Just binged Graveyard Keeper though.
I looked up a video of it. Looks like "press the right buttons at the right time to unleash preprogrammed motion capture animations". You have succeeded in extracting an admission from me. There is a game I still play. I used to play it a few days a week. I don't play this one very often now, but I decided to play it tonight, and record it for you, after reading your comment.

This is, in my opinion, the best melee combat simulator going, and nothing else holds a candle to it. It is not based on animations, like everything else, but a physics engine, where every muscle in the character's body actually exerts a push or pull against balance and gravity to allow the most realistic possible movements.

I first got this game just over four years ago, and have hundreds of hours of practice into it by now. I am by no means an expert, but I think I did okay for tonight's "shaking off the rust" session (my first back in at least a month or two). No other game has this control configuration. It gives unprecedented control over the character's movement. But because of the unique control style, if you have not played the game before, you'll probably have to play and die a dozen or more times to the first guy with the spiked club before you even get a win. I know I did. But the control system is extremely simple once you get the hang of it, making it easy to win fights using tactics, distance, timing, feints, ripostes, etc. Your hits do damage in relation to placement, angle, and velocity, which is all dictated by your ability to move the character to the right place at the right time. Gamers who are also into HEMA would probably like this game.

I just show the practice arena but there is also a career mode where you build a roster of fighters, and a dungeon crawling mode where you face all kinds of nasty monsters.

Anyway, this is one of the two games I keep coming back to from time to time. I don't know if I will actually show the other one. But I might. This other one I have been playing off and on for thirty years, and it is still fresh for me to this day thanks to an enduring modding community.
That looks dope! I like the physics-based combat and sure wish we saw more of it in other games. The closest I played anything like that was the Witcher 3.
In retrospect, after beating the novice practice arena and unlocking the expert practice arena I should have taken the poleaxe to better deal with armored opponents. Won't get through the armor, but it'll hit harder making it easier to knock them out and win the fight. My favorite is the polehammer, though. It can one shot just about anything, including the full plate and helm wearing zombies and skeletons in the dungeon crawl. Assuming the right timing and distancing for the strike, that is.

The 9 foot tall axe wielding golems are another story. We don't want to wake those up, even if we have Derrin with us, and have him fully skilled and geared up. At least I am not good enough to handle one of those, let alone the two that usually wake up together. And the golem president. I counted how many strikes it took me once. 23. Of course if he hits you square once, you're done.


That looks dope! I like the physics-based combat and sure wish we saw more of it in other games.

Agreed. If you decide try it, let me know. I'm good for some pointers to fast track the learning curve. Also, it's a very punishing semi-roguelike, and has no traditional save function, so I can show you an efficient trick I came up with for save scumming, if you don't want to play the same five minutes of the dungeon over and over twenty five times for your first two hours of game time.
I enjoy the mayhem in the farcry series, especially 3, 4, and 5. The storyline in witcher 3 was very entertaining.
Not the game I referred to before, but one I cut my teeth on. Mom came over for dinner last night, so I grabbed an emulator and some ROMs so we could have a nostalgic gaming session together. And this is my third of three attempts tonight at Balloon Trip. First two didn't go so well. And lest I delude myself into thinking I have any skill (this was a particularly good run for me), I know of a video where a guy got a high score over 600,000, in over 20 minutes of straight play before getting zapped. Watching that video will make you believe a person can have superhuman abilities of anticipation and pathfinding. My video? Mmm.... not so much. 😅

I've been playing through the Ninja Gaiden series lately, and it is pretty fun! I'm playing on easy mode lol as I want a distraction, not a frustration!
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