Important Info! Metallurgical Discussion and Heat Treatment Sticky - find Good HT info here

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Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
To comment on any thread linked in this sticky, just open the link and you will be on that thread.

Larrin, Devin Thomas' son, is a PhD metallurgist who freely gives his knowledge here. We greatly appreciate his deep theoretical info. It make my head hurt sometimes.
His threads are linked below:

All about austenitizing and Larrin's discussion website -

Steel Flex and HT:

Other readily needed info -
The Bladeforums Custom Search Engine is here:
It will find all sorts of threads and info.

First, some basic HT info:

To learn about basic Metallurgy, Metallurgical and Heat Treatment terms, I highly recommend Larin's' book.

Metallurgy resources and books

Links to other metallurgy and knife websites:
Steel University Online
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Threads on General Heat Treatment Advice

Kevin Cashen - Working with Three Steels:

Kevin Cashen on Heat Treatment:

Heat Treatment and Metallurgy - Post #4, #6, #7:

Information on Quench Procedures and Cooling Curve
(post #9)
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Forge HT and Back Yard HT

Forge HT and Thremal Cycling:

Normalizing in a Forge:
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1084, 1095, W2, 52100 HT threads

1084 info:

52100 HT:

W2 tempering:

Old Discussion on W2 and Similar HT:

Basic 1095 HT - Foolproof:
Heat evenly to 1475F for 10 minutes then immediately quench in fast oil (fast enough to cool the steel through the 1200F-1000F in less than .5 seconds). Cool to room temperature before tempering. This should get you a full 65HRC hardness with no problem, tempering should be done without delay. Tempering should be for 2 hours , twice, at the temperature to reach the desired final hardness. 400F to 450F is a good range for knife blades.

1095 HT and Micro-chipping info
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Triple Quench and Triple Normalization threads - Spheroidite

Triple Quench Discussion:

Devin Thomas on Fine Spheroidite vs Coarse Spheroidite:

Chuck - Alpha Knife Suply - Spheroidite
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Aldo's Steel HT and Spheroidized Steel threads ( New Jersey Steel baron)

The steel from Aldo Bruno ( New Jersey Steel baron) and some other suppliers comes fully spheroidized. This means the carbon is balled up in balls and rods of carbides. This makes it easier to cut, drill, and file ... but has to be reversed in HT to get the steel fully hard. The below threads are on that topic.

The best information is in Dr. Larrin Thomas' book - Knife Engineering, or on his website.

This is a short description of how to break down spheroidized steel by Willie 71:
Normalizing is heating above ac3, around 1550f for many of the steels we use. Higher temps break up the course spheroid quicker, so many use 1650f, but this results in grain growth. After breaking up the spheroids, we thermal cycle using 1550f, 1450f, and even 1400f. Soak 10min at each temp, and cool to black, about 900f. The steel will become magnetic again when cool enough. Each cycle below ac3 results in new grains forming within the boundaries of the old grains, creating smaller and smaller grain size. These cycles result in an even distribution of alloys, carbides, and a small, even grain size. The steel is in ideal condition to heat treat now.
This is overly simplified, but gives you a basic overview of the processes and why they are done.
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Forges and Ovens - threads on Building Them and related discussions about Use and Problems

PID Controlled Forge:

Uneven Heat Issues:

Table/Tunnel Forge and Ribbon Burner:

2 Brick Forge:

Chimney on a Forge?:

Blown Burners:

Venturi Burner Build:
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Specialty Heat Treatments and Steels that Require special Treatment Threads

Kevin Cashen on L-6:


Hitach Steels Info -- post #14:

Hitachi Steel HT:

Hitachi Steels

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Miscellaneous Heat Treatment Discussions

Heat Treatment and Metallurgy - Post #4, #6, #7:

Multiple Knife Quenching in Oil:
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Hamon Threads and discussions

文 = pattern 刃 =blade edge

Hamon - Ha - blade edge, mon - line/mark/wave
ha-mon - the wavy line along the edge. In the old form, the word meant waves along the shore.

Pronounced hah - moan

Good discussion on making and polishing a hamon.
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