Dragonfly (tight) - a lot happy


Jan 10, 2000
Thanks to everyone who helped me through my tough times with my kind of loose Zytel Dragonfly (plain edge, of course).

Note - I am PICKY about lateral play. Anything under ZERO doesn't cut it for me.

I took the advice about "tightening" the pin by hammering or squeezing. There was some play in the new Dragonfly that irked me, so I thought, 'what the hell...' and gave it a whack (lightly, using a small hammer and an inverted nail set). Tighter
... another whack SUPER-DAMN-TIGHT
... OK, so the action is a little tight too (still silky smooth though), but there is ZERO LATERAL PLAY!!! A knife that made me a little sad now cheers me up. We're talking fixed blade tight here. Had I not tightened it, it would sit somewhere unused, the object of scorn...

That leap of faith (banging a Zytel handled, 2 inch blade with a hammer) saved me. No longer irked; now joyous

What I want to know is: is the pin bent like this ) or compressed fairly straight? Just a question for future reference.

A tight Dragonfly -- don't leave home without it. I never do anymore.



[This message has been edited by RLR (edited 03-23-2000).]
RLR - More than likely, there is a very slight bend in the pin. Difficult to compress as the pivot pin / pivot hole tolerance is very close. Compression would have to expand the diameter of the pin. No where for the pin to go.

Glad you're pleased.
