Fulcrum vs Sng


May 5, 2003
I just received my second SNG and thought you guys might want to see some pics comparing them. The blade is much thicker on the Fulcrum. The handle on the Fulcrum is thicker and longer. Lock up is superb on both knives. The SNG is a much better slicer and smaller as an EDC. For stabbing and prying I would give the edge to the Fulcrum. In terms of gripping, I find the handle on the Fulcrum to retain my grip better for hard stabs. Overall, they are both kinda different. The Fulcrum is however, a much better bargain on the secondary market as one can buy one for under $200. The SNG commands a premium at $350 to $400. My advice is to buy a Fulcrum before they become more popular and prices go up on the secondary market.

I actually returned an SnG because of the poor fit and finish. For $400 I expected more! I own a ER fulcrum II which was considerably cheaper and much better made. The one thing that I do like about the Strider guys is there no nonsense return policy.
They have their moments like all makers.

Thankfully, mine was the way it was supposed to be from the box and has serve well for me.

I may need to pick up a Fulcrum as well.

Stay sharp

The visual comparison between the SnG and Fulcrum is very telling.
However, you are right. Both have their own strengths.

Choice is strictly personal but knife collectors who can afford it will probably buy both.
I know some people are going to strongly dissagree with this, but I've had an SnG and just got a Fulcrum II, the Fulcrum makes the SnG look and feel like a Swiss Army knife.
jimjen178 :

Thats a fair analogy, and I like my SnG alot. Facts and reality can not negate the statement.


Maybe that could've been said in a more sensitive manner, but it conveys your point clear as day.

Can you take any comparison shots of both the SnG and the Fulcrum II D disassembled? It'd be nice to compare the pivot pins.
Thanks, Kai!

I checked out that other post and already am feeling my savings dwindle (without having placed my orders) because those pictures were too cool and too reassuring (due to identical sized pivots and nigh-identical sized tangs).

Again, thanks!
Yeah, but would you use your SnG to crush ice to cool your beer at a party? That clearly makes your MPC the more important of the two.
