I had so much fun in Jersey,, gonna do it again,, Folder Heavy,, ECCKS

You too sir. I was hoping to score a badass folder at the show but walked away empty handed. Still a good time with a lot of cool people.

Must be an interesting dynamic that goes on in the mind of a knife maker when, no matter how hard they work, their supply can't keep up with demand.
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I don't want it. So it's prob not gonna happen. You see. There is all this red tape. Like having 5 knives to send around the country to get photographs done over a month period. I would rather put them in a box to a customer. I physically cannot make more knives. Even if they put me on Good Morning America, ,
I literally LOL'd at Good Morning America!

thanks man

...and you never know about the porn,, some of that new shit is crazy!!
I don't want it. So it's prob not gonna happen. You see. There is all this red tape. Like having 5 knives to send around the country to get photographs done over a month period. I would rather put them in a box to a customer. I physically cannot make more knives. Even if they put me on Good Morning America, ,

Well, would you go on DR.Phil?

Are we getting new shirts for Blade?.................