Memorial Day Give Away 2022

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Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
In honor of those who have helped make this country great, I'm doing another give away this year. This time, I want it to be for the next generation of young men and women.

Instead of one or two knives, I have a bunch of test pieces and R&D pieces, or just things I picked up at a bargain and either didn't use for design research or went a different direction. Most have seen a fair bit of use, but they're free.

Rules: I want these to go to people 25 years or under, so from just getting into using a knife to just getting out there in life. I haven't 100% set on how I'm going to select "winners", it will either be 1st come 1st surprise or random selection if there are enough entries. I will use your post number as the random number selection. From there, people will get to pick what they want to take. If you end up down the list and there's nothing left that's suitable, feel free to pass and I'll see if the next person in line is interested. Previously, I only had about 10 entries into a GAW and I have more than 10 knives so I'm hoping there will be something useful for everyone.

Since this includes younger kids, parents will be their delegates so claim something for them. I will limit it to 2 if you have a few kids, nephews, roll model citizen neighbor kids, or boy scout. I'm fine with someone entering for someone else as long as you have some strong personal relationship with that person. If it's someone else's kid, please get their parent or guardian's approval.

This is limited to the USA forum members.

To Enter: Say you're in, or in for someone you know. If you have 2 kids you feel deserving of something special, please state that as well.

The GAW will end at midnight on Memorial Day, Eastern time.

I reserve the right to adjust rules if I missed something blatant. I will try to make this at the benefit of the entrants.

I will get a better display of what I have on offer later. This is what I was able to uncover last night and this morning.

Thank you to those who served and sacrificed. Thank to those who supported those served. Thank you especially to those who didn't make it back home so that we could live free. We honor them by remembrance. We honor them by living our lives to the fullest.
Here's some better pictures of the options, and I'm adding a cane machete that may appeal more to the Southern crowd (better for the older end of the GAW spectrum, it's not a light machete).

Folders, the imperial and old timer are USA made, which I cleaned up and sharpened.

Fixed blades

More fixed blades for some different variety

Machete, still has the factory "grind" on it, meaning it's not sharp. Came from a baryonyx grab back and I sharpened up the other 2 from the group but never got around to this one. I can put an edge on it if someone picks it or you can put your own on it.

Last day. I know this isn't premium stuff but it's going to work and last a long time. If you don't like the condition, I'll clean stuff up 1st. Everything is sharp and useful.

Remember, it doesn't need to be your kid, just a kid you know well enough that you think they would appreciate a knife. Young adults included, most of us were broke when we left our parent's house and ventured into the world. I would've appreciate something like this into my early 20's when $25 extra seemed like a lot of splurging money.

Happy Memorial Day.
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