Attention MOD RANT (What's it gonna take)


Staff member
Super Mod
Apr 25, 2000
Before members stop buying into this PayPal F&F tax bullshit or any other form of payment that allows buyers no recourse to recover their funds.

It's been a while since a member had their account hacked but unfortunately ohiojerry ohiojerry is the latest. This piece of shit scammer made off with somewhere between $3000 to $5000 today and if it hadn't been for another members report the total could have been much higher.

If a seller insists upon a form of payment that doesn't allow the buyer the option to cover their own ass, then walk away unless you as the buyer are prepared to lose those funds if the transaction goes bad.

BF's and its staff members can only do so much, ultimately it's up to members to protect themselves from scammers/thieves.
Is there any way for the staff or individual to identify these hacked accounts before the damage is done?
I am guessing ,no, or it would not be as big a problem as it is.
But are there any tells other than f&f which is not much since it is used so frequently these days.
So I am not misunderstood-I am not saying use of f&f is a good thing. I will do un-secured tranasactions(not f&f) but expect them to be with the party I think I am dealing with. This is problematic and
G&S may not be just the best but only answer.
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Is there any way for the staff or individual to identify these hacked accounts before the damage is done?
I am guessing ,no, or it would not be as big a problem as it is.

Highly doubtful.

Spark stated in a previous thread on the subject that the hacked accounts logged in on the first try with the correct password.

But are there any tells other than f&f which is not much since it is used so frequently these days.

Prices too good to be true can be an indicator.

I think a couple of them have used info or pics from old listings. However, I don't remember if they were from the same user as the hacked account or not. If it is, going back through their history might help. (And is a pretty good idea regardless.)

May not mean anything as a fair amount of folks copy, paste, and then edit new listings to keep the format the same, but it could help if it looks they already moved an identical item.

If they are jacked from a random user's listing then it would be harder to identify.

Pretty hard to find a sales thread that's not asking for F&F anymore .

Offer a different method that you're comfortable with, take the risk with F&F, or move on.
My last 2 sales threads, which each had multiple items, called for G&S, but some buyers paid F&F anyway. Don't know if they were just being nice to save me the fees, or if they are just so accustomed to it these days.
It's total bullshit! I get the seller's desire to avoid the IRS headache, but you're risking yourself a BIG loss. If you're not willing to lose any and all money paid with F&F/Venmo/Zelle, and having ZERO recourse, just don't do it!
Pretty hard to find a sales thread that's not asking for F&F anymore .

Very true, makes it much easier for me to stay under my knife money budget. Other forums are even more anti G&S and it's been easy to walk away from many possible purchases the past year.

Is facebook's payment one of the other 3rd party protected payment methods? I've all but ghosted my facebook account but it almost sounds like I need to consider it if people aren't willing to to PPGS but are on the book of faces and falisies.
Please don't reuse passwords (especially using the same user name) across accounts. If one account is hacked, they all are.