Requesting Newbie Straight Razor Advice

I've used this one for the past 20 years:

Dovo,made in Solingen

And I’ve been using this one for three years....


.... my first straight razor, I asked a collector of straight razors what I should buy new & he suggested this one which I’m very happy with.
The Straight Razor Place forum has a sell or trade section. They also have folks there who do razor honing for the public. Try looking there for what you want and a traditional razor, Before I started honing my own razor I had several honed from a member there and those were very sharp and produced a very good shave. as stated before they have some very good folks there from all over the world. I met folks from many different countrys.
Good to know that someone managed to get it back off the ground, I was around there when the hostile take-over happened, I'm hoping that some of the research that was started has a good home there again.
A good friend gave me my first straight razor it was a 1908 new York. He also gave me a piece of advice I laughed at and took to heart.

No horizontal strokes.

I don't shave anymore but years ago when I had the time it was a good hobby. Half the fun was learning to get the edge just right and the gratifying results. Take your time and enjoy.
Take your time and enjoy.

That's also good advice.
I would say forget straight shaving if for whatever reason you're wanting a quick shave or you're in a hurry, I'm not saying straight shaving can't be quick but for me especially at first I found the more relaxed my mind was the more I enjoyed it & probably got the best results.

It's nice to concentrate on only one thing, for me that's a plus of straight razor shaving. At first don't get too obsessed about the results, that comes with a little time, when I started I did the best I could with the straight razor then after I'd finished if I found somewhere that wasn't good enough I'd quickly sort it out with the "normal" modern razor I'd been using for years, as time went on that got less necessary until it wasn't needed at all.
If you need honing…I can help you. Restoring razors/sharpening was my hobby for years before getting into folders/edc.

If you would like, I can send you a vintage, shave ready razor to get you started. I don’t have any extra strops, but you can find cheap ones.

I get better shaves with cold water. I haven’t cut myself in years and I shave just as fast if not faster with a straight (two passes) as folks using other methods.

Bath & bodywork’s sells co bigelow shaving cream in a tube (aerosols won’t work). It is always on sale or buy 1/get 1. Similar to proraso.