Up and coming makers

Oct 3, 1998
Since you deal in custom knives daily what in your opinion are some of the makers to watch in the coming year?

Hi Strider,

That is a tough question. There are so many new makers out there. A new maker is generally someone who has been making knives for 5 years or less.

I would look at Larry Chew's work, he has an article on his work in the current issue of Knives Illustrated.

I also think guys like John Etzler, Jeff Chaffee, Jerry Corbit, Aaron Fredrick and Rob Simonich are guys to watch on the Damascus Liner Lock Scene. Note most of the afforementioned makers have been at it for more than 5 years, its just that they are entering a new catagory.

Tactical Folder side of the house, Johnny Stout, Larry Newton, RJ Martin and Randall Gilbreath. Again some have been at it for awhile, but they are getting a lot of attention for this type of knife.

Russ Sutton is a maker I met about a month ago, Id look for his work to start showing up in all the right places with in the next 6 - 9 months.

For makers who are the news makers for next year check out Joel Chamblin, John W. Smith, David Broadwell, Kai Embertsen (new damascus liner lock), Don Hansen (Damascus Auto's), from Canada Brian Tighe, Greg Lightfoot, Uwe Hoffman. South Africa, Bertie Rietveld and Andre DeVillers.

The custom knife markers are being filled with so many new good knife makers, its almost impossible to keep track.

Id like to hear from others who they think are the new makers who are going to make an impact on 99.


Speaking of Uwe Hoffman, ever since he came to my attention via the Tactical Knives article, I have searched, with no avail, for more info on him.

Where can I locate his stuff and how much is it.

I do not know weather or not I can bring myself to any other fixed blade besides MadDogs' but...

Hi Les
It's funny that you mentioned Larry Chew because he really caught my eye in the new K.I. for his manual and double action knives.Brian Tighe and Greg Lightfoot are to other makers I've had my eye on also.Thanks for the info.
Hi Derek,

You can contact Uwe Hoffman at:

P.O. Box 60114
Vancouver, BC
Canada, V5W 4B5

Phone Number is (604) 572-7320 (after 5pm PST)

Derek his knives are relatively expensive and there is about a 6-8 month wait. Derek also check out the tactical knives from Walter Brend.


The hardest thing about picking up-and-coming makers isn't finding the occasional gems out there, it's predicting which ones will go on to commercial success.

I was recommending Joel Chamblin as a great knifemaker 4 years ago, at least, if not more. Before he was discovered by the world at large. I picked up a nice gents' folder from him for $200 (!!!). As you can imagine, I got him before he became popular. Even now he's still a good value.

Another knifemaker I've been recommending is J. A. Harkins, for about 6 years now at least. Why hasn't Harkins received as much press as Chamblin? I guess because Harkins' stuff is a bit out of the ordinary, incredible-looking pieces with long sexy lines, but not tactical folders.

Hi Joe,

You are correct about Joel, I met him here in Augusta at a local gun/knife show about 6 years ago. I was amazed at the quality of his work. I told him he was too cheap and that he needed to get out of the gun show circuit and attend knife shows. The Blade Magazine has a picture in the Guild Show review article by Joel, beautiful litte Damascus folder. I owned that knife for about a week. I heartily recommend Joel to anyone who is looking for a world class folder.

J.A. Harkins, is another excellent who doesnt get as much press as he should. Makes very unique knives with great precisison. I think his move Montana took him out of the loop a little. I know he does the Las Vegas Classic Knife Show which will be in early Februay next year.

You have a good eye Joe.

Take Care,


For Fixed blades try Alan Folts alanfolts@sprintmail.com

Alan is one of the best-kept secrets in the custom knife arena. He is very knowledgeable in the area of metallurgy … more so than most knife makers I have talked with. He is also a Member of the North Carolina Knifemakers Guild. The only reason he is not more well known is that he dose not get out enough. The quality of his work is in the top echelons. If you have a special project contact Alan before you make your final decision on who to make you knife … you'll be glad you did.

For custom automatics keep your eye on a newcomer from Rhode Island named Frank Potter. He has been 'honing' his skills under the expert eye of Ralph Selvidio. Frank's designs, fit, and finish have taken enormous strides. He is a full-time maker and he just does autos! I will be posting some of his more recent pieces on my website within the next couple of weeks.