Welcome Les Robertson Our Newest Moderator!

Oct 2, 1998
I would like to welcome aboard Les Robertson as the new moderator of the Custom Knife Forum. He brings years of expertise to this forum and should be able to answer nearly any question thrown his way. So welcome aboard Les!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
Welcome Les
I've always enjoyed talking with you over the phone and look forward to your posts
Glad to have you!!!!

Gregg Lane
Welcome aboard Les! I'm glad to see that you're a part of the BladeForums crew. If there's any custom knife that you would like to say a few words about, please come on over to the Knife Reviews board!
There goes the neighborhood already!! hehehe Hope this doesn,t mean I can't bother you on the phone anymore :)
Hi there Les, It has been a long time since the Blade Show of 88. Glad you got a hold of me recently. I am happy to see you moderating a forum here, you bring a lot of good experience with you! Whats the next wave you are going to start? The last one you got going was tactical folders.......
Hi Rob,

Thank you for the nice comments. I dont think I started the wave, although I like to think I helped it along towards the beach! Currently, Im seeing a demand for Damascus Liner Locks, generally in the $700 - $850 range. Although, I cant seem to keep the $1,200 - $1,600 either. The other trend seems to be the tactical SA auto or DA auto.

The Vallottons with their release of the SOF series, (SOF 98 due in Mid-November) always seems to get people talking about custom tactical autos. But it usually dies out as there is nothing to keep the "wave" going. However, this year with Larry Chew (check out the current issue of Knives Illustrated), R.J. Martin having DA tactical auto's will bring additional interest.

Allen Elishewitz will have his new tactical auto (built on a Phantom frame), as well as a new offering from Brian Tighe and Mike Franklin of Hawg Knives has some prototypes on the street.

One other area of interest seems to be fixed blades, both tactical and presentation grade.
Ive noticed the demand for those rising steadily since June. Al Polkowski, RJ Martin, Greg Lightfoot, Walter Brend, Bud Nealy, David Broadwll, Mad Dog, Bob Dozier, and several others are getting well deserved press and our tempting primarily folder buyers to consider tactical fixed blades.

So if your heading to future knife shows, watch for the new waves, they are coming.

I know what you mean about the tactical fixed blades Les, they are currently about 75% of my orders! I think you have called this one right too!