What are some good Subforums?

Redmeadow Knives

John Conner
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 29, 2010
What Subforums do you like to watch?

Now for the tl;dr stuff-

It seems like most stay in their comfort zones. I can be guilty of that too, I look around a lot but rarely post.

I always like it when someone finds this one and I get a message that says "Hey, I just found you by accident". That tells me there's may be hidden gems that people may not have found yet.

There's a dozen or so Hosted subforums that are active and new ones pop up every once in a while. There's also a lot of detail specific subs around BF that have great info.

I have a few on my watch list and alerts on a couple. Here's a sample of some.

Custom & Handmade Knives
Not a lot of conversation but a great place to see recent custom work.

Sheaths & Such
Not terribly active but a great resource with some really helpful and skilled leather wranglers.

Shop Talk - BladeSmith Questions and Answers
An active, excellent resource for technical info. At the very least it will put you on the right track to what you're looking for.

Hanson Knives
A newer Hosted sub, one of my favorite knifemakers and a good friend. Always an inspiration to see what's going in in there.

Redmeadow Knives & T.Knotts Knives
That dude's kinda off but he's got some cool folks in his sub

Tech Support, General Q&A, Site Feedback & More

I check this often and it's a good place to understand the workings of the forum. I try to be helpful when I can but leave the big stuff to the pros.

I frequent a few more like the traditional and mod forum but don't have them on watch.
You mean there's more to this site than Redmeadow?:p

Also have you and Scott on watch. Have Shannon Steel Labs on watch too (bought a couple knives from Colin), but it's not very active. Also Cold Steel, but being a production sub, not all that "fun" if you know what I mean.

Carothers (CPK) is a really good one IMO....I don't bother having it on watch cuz it's so active.

ETA: Totally forgot to mention that I spend most of my time in W&C
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There are other sub-forums? :eek: ;)

I mainly hang in the Busse, Carothers, and Spyderco forums, along with a dose of whine and cheese (and it's red-headed step-child s/f), tech support, and GBU. :rolleyes:

ETA - This s/f has the privilege of being the only forum I have on "watch". :)
I'm all over the place on these forums.

When I first joined up, it was because of the Becker sub. I soon got immersed in the Traditionals and from there I've branched off to many others. I read WAY more than I post. Which is saying something as I do post a fair amount by some standards, I guess...

Becker Knife & Tool
Great place where I've met a lot of good friends - some even in person. We hold gatherings twice a year and it's always a blast with a veritable cornucopia of knives to experience. The sub isn't as active as it used to be, largely because Ethan has only released one design per year in the last few years.

This is the "meat and potatoes" of my BladeForums experience. Great group of folks, righteously moderated, and the knives fall right in line with my general tastes.

Various Maker's subs.
  • Redmeadow
  • Hanson
  • Siegle
  • Carothers
  • JK
  • AA Forge
  • Fiddleback Forge
  • Might be a couple others that I'm missing
A few other production knife subs
  • Spyderco
  • Buck
  • Ka-bar
  • LionSteel
Feedback (GBU)
I don't post a lot here but I do read a lot - good to keep tabs on the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes I might have insight but I largely use it for my own information.

Various For Sale Sections in the Exchange
I don't do a huge amount of commerce here and even so, I buy a lot more than I sell overall. Plus, I don't have the reflexes that some folks seem to possess when it comes to snatching up desirables. I've recently subscribed to the Knifemaker's exchange though - it amazes me that you makers have extraordinarily reasonable prices (reasonable being a relative term, I'm sure you could charge more and it still be reasonable in my mind). These sections overall are fantastic for information on what's out there and for what price.

I once said that this section represents the soul (good and bad) of BF. Met some good folks over there despite some of the drama.

As I continue to branch out wherever my curiosity takes me, I've found myself peering in other places like Busse, Big Chris, and sometimes I will even delve into some of the archived places as well.
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I like to watch pretty much the same forums as John, I don't spend a lot of time in Tech support, Whine & cheese or the Cove anymore. I do frequent Redmeadow knives, the Hunting & Fishing sub, and the Knifemaker's for sale area. I've been working on my new sub forum trying to get it going and I started a new Facebook business page which Im getting quite a few orders from along with some pretty strange requests.

I haven't done much on instagram yet being it's set up more for cell phone applications.
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Like everyone else I jump around on here. There are several area I enjoy read and looking at pictures but I don’t post anything like.

Axe, Tomahawk, & Hatchet Forum
Maintenance, Tinkering & Embellishment
Sheaths & Such

The sheaths & such has been most of my time lately as I dug out a box of Tandy leather kit that I got for Christmas 40 plus years ago and pick up some new stuff as will. I’m going to start making me some poster sheaths for my smaller fixed blades, I’ve really enjoyed having a small fixed in the pocket.

Then there are ones I post in like these I don’t post much in any forum mainly read and enjoy. I joined Bladeforums in 2002 but didn’t hang out here until last year.
Automatic Knife / Switchblades
Multi-tools & Multi-purpose Knives
Fiddleback Forge Knives
Mad Science Forge
Redmeadow Knives & T.Knotts Knives
Siegle Knives
Becker Knife & Tool
Buck Knives
Busse Combat Knives
Chris Reeve Knives
Swamp Rat Knives
Gadgets & Gear