Photos What custom is in your pocket today?

The traditional knives in Tibet are commonly referred to as "kuo dao" or "tusi dao" and are an indispensable part of the Tibetan people's lives. These knives are crafted with exquisite workmanship, featuring intricately carved patterns on the blade and decorated handles with jewels. They serve not only as practical tools but also as symbols of identity and status. In Tibetan culture, knives bear the symbolism of blessings and protection, representing a symbol of domestic tranquility. They carry the rich heritage of history and belief within Tibetan culture. When they celebrate Tibetan holidays such as Saka Dawa, they may take a knife to compare.
Micarta Monday, carrying this amazing Lee Williams custom "Crux" in OD micarta that I scored at R1 Promotion's California Custom Knife Show this weekend. I've been after one of Lee's Kickstop flippers since I first saw the mechanism and this one just screamed my name🥰
