What's in your basement?

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Dec 12, 2002
While working on a pattern to present to David, I started thinking about the fact that we are lucky to have such a talented craftsman who is willing to bring our hairbrained ideas to life. I also started thinking that people might like to share their sharp projects? We are all likely just a touch off our rockers and crazy ideas should gel together.

First pics are the Highland inspired Dirk I hope to have made. It is a mash of David's dagger handle, traditional dirk blade with a slight upsweep to the tip like the Sylvan(LOVE that knife). Stock is .224 AKS 8670/2" wide. Exposed blade is 14 1/2", Grind will be David's flat/convex that starts shallow at the hilt and gets progressively steep to the point. 2" sweep on the edge and 4" unsharpened back swedge.





Next- the Oaken Shield I made and two HB Forge Shipbuilder Hawks. I still need to do rawhide on the edge of the shield.

Lastly for this post, I collect and refurbish axes, then sell or give them away. Recently I have taken old hatchet heads, reworked them and used old axe handles cut down to haft them. I make wooden edge guards for them. The top is the first one of these, not the best work but probably my favorite. The lower two are the most recent- they are waiting for guards.



I am betting there are some very skilled hands in this bunch.

I've never lived in a house without one. Wherever your "shop" or man cave might be, what do you spend your time working on?

Bill, this looks like an outstanding design, and I would be honored to make this for you when the time is right. If I may ask, would you object to a small suggestion regarding the design?
No basement here either. I do dabble in flint knapping, but that's done out in the driveway.IMG_20230621_145127549.jpg
These are a few of the ones that I haven't given away. I'm at best an amateur, but I've spent some time with a local gentleman who is a knapper of some renown. These pieces were made from small flakes that he'd given me to practice on. Hopefully when the Letchworth stone tool show goes down this summer I'll be able to pick up some larger spalls to work with.
Bill, I'm heading away from the computer now, but just going to put this out there, please don't take it as an offense to the very nice design you came up with. If it were my knife, I would texture the handle more like this, for grip purposes:


That is all I wanted to say.
:) Brother, I am COUNTING on you fixing my mistakes :cool: I wanted to at least give you a basic pattern for the idea of what I want. I count on your skill and knowledge of what works and what does not to finalize that pattern.

Flint knapping- very cool. We did a little of that in Boy Scouts many years back. I used to find them working in the fields at our old homestead in Wythe County outside Rural Retreat, Va.

Indoor Pool- gotcha ;) My Dad was from the Eastern coastal plain of Virginia and they had the same issue. Dig a post hole and pour in dry concrete. I have always had them. They are not normally done in the Philippines either so I am going to miss that. If I can get high enough on a hill and can get a pump truck in, I may still try to build one.

When I was rebuilding this ranch house, I came very close to building a small pond in the corner of the basement to raise a caiman. The issue of fresh air exchange and humidity was the only thing that stopped me.

Actually, I would LOVE to inset an Yggdrassil coin in the pommel but that would complicate the contour. Maybe a piece of amber?

Nothing today but I was told there use to be some devil plants down there before we bought the house. Only found out after everything was said and done.
No basement, it’d likely be full of water if I had one. I do know a guy who built a house not far from me that has a basement. He is from Oklahoma and wouldn’t build a house without one. He started hauling in dirt for 2 years before he built. He made a hill/house pad 20’ high and let it settle then knocked it down to 12’, dug out for his basement and built his house.
No basement, it’d likely be full of water if I had one. I do know a guy who built a house not far from me that has a basement. He is from Oklahoma and wouldn’t build a house without one. He started hauling in dirt for 2 years before he built. He made a hill/house pad 20’ high and let it settle then knocked it down to 12’, dug out for his basement and built his house.

Basements are nice in the summer. I may end up missing having a basement apartment for that reason after the move.
I've tried those before... Liked them. Too much. Had to quit. Then I found out the government that legalized it here also has an advisory that it is associated with increased likelihood of schizophrenia.

What a government, I tell ya. This should be their official emblem:

Areas shaded black are flats and full thickness...and the hilt of the handle is asymmetric.

I thought you might like that.

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