Your Fighter EDC

I would say that if you had someone determined, someone that just plays basketball a lot because a lot of the take-off footwork and evasive footwork is the same...against most gun owners carrying a firearm - the gun owner is going to get cut or stabbed within that magical 21 feet unless they practice drawing that firearm from concealment - A LOT. I would say also, "if they are naturally skilled," but then all gun owners think they are Bat Masterson or Jelly Bryce and "naturally skilled." Under three seconds and then to sidestep and not back up under fear and then fire a minimum of two rounds center mass when you KNOW someone is trying to kill you takes skill that comes with practice and the awareness and knowledge to see how this can happen.

At an ATM with the guy in close proximity? All bets are off. If that guy is determined, he is going to get you and you might just kill each other.
Spyderco Military would be a great choice.

To me, "self defense" capability is just another feature among many when considering purchasing a knife.

All of the qualities that make the Military a good knife for tactical use is also what makes it an excellent knife in general. The Military has an excellent G10 handle. The G10 is grippy and the handle is full sized and ergonomic, makes it hard for your hands to slip. A grippy knife is a good knife in my opinion. The long blade, good belly, and full flat grind makes it a deadly weapon, but it also makes it an excellent food preparation knife. I feel like 4" is almost a minimum when preparing food and this knife is a great slicer.
Glock 27. Knife fighting is for pussies.

Watch your damn mouth! LoL I was told to watch my language for using the letter between e and g with u. In good natured fun. But anyway yea a gun is better. But am I crazy for wanting a knife that says yea I have a gun but don't worry about it, I'm gonna carve my name in you rather than shoot you. And yes for situations that warrant deadly force.
No, you just came on a little strong for your first posts on here. People just need to get to know you first around here.
having a fighter knife is retarded

you are not going to get into a movie knife fight

if the guy has a gun, now he has a gun, your wallet and a knife

the only time i would ever pull a knife in self defense is if i was assaulted and in fear of my life. in that case, i wouldn't pull the knife out and wave it around like this is a movie. i would pull it out when the other guy has tackled me to the ground or something and stab him in the back.

carrying around a giant fighter knife is just looking for trouble. not to mention, with the exception of maybe 1-2 states, good luck staying out of jail even if it was in self-defense.
You mean you guys don't spend your nights covertly deanimating zombie sentries with tactical edged apparatuses?

Geeze I took out two on the way to the porcelain pony to take a leak.

I carry an Emerson A100, mostly because it makes for a hell of a good prybar. :)

having a fighter knife is retarded

you are not going to get into a movie knife fight

if the guy has a gun, now he has a gun, your wallet and a knife

the only time i would ever pull a knife in self defense is if i was assaulted and in fear of my life. in that case, i wouldn't pull the knife out and wave it around like this is a movie. i would pull it out when the other guy has tackled me to the ground or something and stab him in the back.

carrying around a giant fighter knife is just looking for trouble. not to mention, with the exception of maybe 1-2 states, good luck staying out of jail even if it was in self-defense.

What is retarded is continually making retarded assumptions over and over again in a discussion where the retarded assumptions have already been covered.
I say we take everyone on this thread, pair 'em up, tie one of their wrists to each other, give them a knfie in the other and let them fight to the death.

ALL of this speculation is pure BULLSHIT. I don't give a damn how many black belts you hold, how many times you spoke to Mike Janich on the photo or how many fighting knives you own. It is total horse shit until the blood starts to flow. Same with survival practice. It's all bullshit until you're out there injured, freezing to death, dehydrated and alone. Nothing ever works the way you practice it. People that put themselevs into that type of a box are fools.
I say we take everyone on this thread, pair 'em up, tie one of their wrists to each other, give them a knfie in the other and let them fight to the death.

ALL of this speculation is pure BULLSHIT. I don't give a damn how many black belts you hold, how many times you spoke to Mike Janich on the photo or how many fighting knives you own. It is total horse shit until the blood starts to flow. Same with survival practice. It's all bullshit until you're out there injured, freezing to death, dehydrated and alone. Nothing ever works the way you practice it. People that put themselevs into that type of a box are fools.

I don't think anyone could have said it any better. There's way too many variables, plus you don't know what anyone is thinking. What if you miss your pocket? What if the knife falls out of your hand, what if what if what if. There's just too many what ifs. You can plan, and plan and practice, but I mean people plan Christmas dinner a month ahead, and something almost always goes wrong.
I want to be paired up with rat so I get a bullet rather than be carved up like a Christmas ham. I have seen knife cuts another reason I where my bullet proof vest- knives suck! I cry when I get paper cuts and sick to my stomach when I see your izula bites- when I wrap mine it is going to take longer to tape the blade off than wrap the paracord
I say we take everyone on this thread, pair 'em up, tie one of their wrists to each other, give them a knfie in the other and let them fight to the death.

David Carradine and James Remar, you've been watching "The Long Riders" again! :D

ALL of this speculation is pure BULLSHIT. I don't give a damn how many black belts you hold, how many times you spoke to Mike Janich on the photo or how many fighting knives you own. It is total horse shit until the blood starts to flow. Same with survival practice. It's all bullshit until you're out there injured, freezing to death, dehydrated and alone. Nothing ever works the way you practice it. People that put themselevs into that type of a box are fools.

I don't see where there is anything to disagree with at all. I'm not making grand pronouncements against firearms or for knives or that everything is going to be just fine if you do this, that or the other. Most of that is coming from the gun side of things.

A few miles from where I live, a Deputy U.S. Marshal interrupted an armed robbery last night around 8PM. He drew down on someone who had pulled a bandanna up on his face and pulled a pistol, according to the radio news, right? Dude dropped the gun and took off, Marshal caught him. During some type of fistfight with the Marshal, Dude apparently was trying to get something else out of his pocket, Marshal thought "gun!" let a round go, missed him. Marshal catches him again and he is in custody.

Now, here is a Deputy U.S. Marshal and he misses. I'm sick and tired of seeing gun owners on forums thinking and communicating that everything is just going to be OK and just fine with a pistol but somehow you will get slaughtered if you use something else to defend yourself with. Deputy Marshal can miss at close quarters but every punk on the planet is Wyatt Earp, it's bullshit.

Case in point: guy that brought the word "retard(ed)" into the thread. It's retarded to automatically assume ANYTHING in a violent confrontation (Which is the main point I am reading in your post, Jeff.), let alone who will come out victorious. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. Point is, the gun is not the remote control that it is promoted to be.
Couldn't agree more, Don. Thus the reason for my post you responded to: ALL of this speculation is pure BULLSHIT
ALL of this speculation is pure BULLSHIT. I don't give a damn how many black belts you hold, how many times you spoke to Mike Janich on the photo or how many fighting knives you own. It is total horse shit until the blood starts to flow. Same with survival practice. It's all bullshit until you're out there injured, freezing to death, dehydrated and alone. Nothing ever works the way you practice it. People that put themselevs into that type of a box are fools.

Amen, Brother! couldn't have said it better.
"What we have here is a failure to communicate." So, how did we reach the point of needing to "go to knife"? My primary and secondary weapons systems have failed, and my cardio (see - "Rule #2") has led me to a dead end as well. If I have had to go to my knife, it is that the proverbial zombie horde is upon me. It's the Apocalypse, folks. If it comes to that, I want a good, sharp knife with a strong spine. It's gonna be a while.
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Knife fighting? That's suicide. I'm not saying I won't give it the old college try, but they don't lie when they day everyone gets cut in a knife fight. I rode that pony in high school. still wear the scars on my hand (I didn't lose, but I wouldn't call it winning either).
If I'm fighting, I'm using an ASP baton. Better yet, I'm using a sword. Or a spear with a short sword for backup. Or even better yet, a gun! They don't make knives to beat that.
other than ESEE, I like my Ontario LSA or CRKT Ultima (5" model) for a fixed blade; for a folder,I really like my BM Barrage or S&W M&P 4L--can't leave out the Bradley Mayhem.
Fortunately my ADD made me miss this thread the first time through. Unfortunately, I wasn't as lucky this time around. Did this really get bumped with the threat of a proverbial zombie horde?

Oh man.
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