14 Below and Falling, and my Yahoo Page is froze

Minn. doesn't get the wind Montana and the Plains do.

These turkeys are being fed by neighbors.
They actually were walking in the middle of the dirt road last month, but it was near the end where I live and there's not many cars.

I never worry much about the "wind chill," because that is just a description of how it would feel outside if you were running around in your undies.

It's also a description of how any exposed skin feels, and the increased risk of tissues freezing.

I can tell you that walking into the 20-30mph wind that day in tuxedo pants with no hat (I never said I was very bright) was no picnic. But I also was rather preoccupied with not vomiting or passing out during the ceremony so it didn't bother me too awful much:D
its currently 70f here, inland south florida. I am sitting here in my bo....ermm, sleeping attire, and drinking a cup of coffee with all the windows open.

If you folks up north hate me now just remember, and take pity, come the summer!
Its been so long since I've seen one of those that I'd actually welcome the sight. And I'm no herpetologist either!
It's cold enough here to make the grass crunchy outside. I took the dog out for a walk and stepped on one of his presents from the day before. It exploded into crystal powder. Kinda cool..and gross. We're supposed to get some snow sometime tomorrow, i think. Nothing big, but probably just enough to make my wife's trip to Bowling Green a bit of a hazard. We don't get a lot of snow around here. It might dump 4-6" at a time. That's a BIG snow. However, last year, right before Christmas, we had 24" dump on us. The worst storm in 96 years or something. Luckily, any time the weather is the least little bit bad, I just close the shop. If i can't get to work, then there aren't going to be any people to come in and buy anything. Any phone calls can be answered the next nice day. That's what answering machines are for.
This weather talk does remind me of my junior year of high school. We had a really nice girl from Eastern Europe as an exchange student that year. Very cute blond girl that spoke in broken english. Anyway, it was February and time for track season to start. Everyone was out there dressed in sweats, thermals, hats, earmuffs, etc. Not this girl (her name escapes me). She came out in shorts and a t-shirt. The coach asked her if she had forgotten her sweats, and that she could borrow some of the warm up suits. She said "no thanks yous". It was on that day that we found out she was from Siberia. Here we were freezing to death in the 34 degree weather, and this girl said it felt like "later springs-time".
Nice girl, I wonder what ever happened to her when she went back home.

Damn, at 14 below, my yahoo would be frozen too :)

An ex girlfriend visited me once during the winter, the weatherman said "its one degree out there today" and she looked at me and said "one! one is not a temperature!", which for some reason I found funny. :rolleyes:
Ahh, Esav, The Red Sox did finally win a World Series. You did notice that, yes? Does that mean we don't have to worry about the Devil any more?
The temple still has to be rebuilt in Jerusalum, and the Cubs have to win the World Series, right?

Also, I think we need a few toad rains or something....

Windchill is hovering around 3* to 4* today and the wind at 18 mph out of the north is making our house cool even with the thermostat set at 76 degrees, we usually keep it at 72 degrees.
I'm beginning to realize how come all the elders in my family kept their houses so dayumed hot in the winter and hated air conditioning in the summer.:eek:
Looking around the world, I guess Hell thawed out again. Let's see how the Red Sox do next year. :D
I'm beginning to realize how come all the elders in my family kept their houses so dayumed hot in the winter and hated air conditioning in the summer.>>>> Yvsa

Because airconditioning takes all the moisture from the air and you can't function right. At least in Winter there are ways to add water to the air, but when it gets real cold, it's cracking cold and people and objects dry out.

You guys are spoiled up there.... a lot of folks from Montana and Idaho eventually go to Alaska...

wow, -30 C = -20F

that's damn cold! The coldest it ever gets in T.O is -30 without windchill. wait a sec, am i not north of ya?
Dave Hahn said:
wow, -30 C = -20F

that's damn cold! The coldest it ever gets in T.O is -30 without windchill. wait a sec, am i not north of ya?

When it gets below 32* with the windchill factor it is too dayumed cold no matter where ya live IMO. Trouble is that isn't cold enough to kill all the bloodsucking insects. It has to get cold and stay cold for several days to do that.
I can almost put up with the insects although even one flea bite drives my dog's allergies off the wall!!!!:thumbdn: :(
hollowdweller said:
... We have had wild turkeys too but I'm not sure where they've gone. No sign lately. Used to be I'd be back in the woods and see 16, 19 of them. One time a fellow down the road was feeding them and I counted 52! ...

Some months back I counted 36 coming out of the woods and walking through my yard. The fellow down the road keeps a big one as a watchdog.
My Parents had geese in their Orange grove properties as 'watchdogs'

When I grew up at my grandmother's farm, she had peacocks for watchdogs. They do a good job and are fun until those 2 in the morning alarm calls.

It was 50 here today, and I didn't THINK it was cold, so I went for a bicycle ride, 20 miles and 1 1/2 hours later I came strolling through the door. My wife looks at me and laughs, "what's up with your nose?" I reply, "I don't know, is it still there?" She giggles and said, "Yes, it's blue!"
hmm, must have been the windchill.