A man's training in the brutal realities of a life and death struggle…?

Sep 25, 2001
Hello Mr. Caracci,

I am fairly new to this field of self-defense; I was a former student of Greco-Roman wrestling and was turned on to other forms of grappling by friends and teachers. And then, subsequently, western style knife fighting techniques. Though I have only brushed on the subject through some of the more well know literature and have not yet tried any of the seminars or courses as of yet.

I have read works by Mr. John Styers and Mr. William Cassidy, but to be honest I have never been in a real life and death situation involving edged weapons.
With the more popular knife fighting techniques as the Passata Sotto, In-Quartata, and the Stocatta, how realistic are these tactics in the field? I am indeed a novice, but even for the well trained, are these techniques practical when facing a wild man with a knife "pumped up on ideals, drugs, or both" as it has been said? Thanks for the help!!!

You wouldn't happen to be the C. .J Caracci in " Practical Hand-To-Hand Combat"? If so, do you have any other works out?

Brother, I don't know how to say this but I do not have a clue of what those people you mentioned are putting out. In addition I do not know what "Western Knife Fighting" implies.
I can say however that that is my Video and for the others see navysealteams.com.
Does that mean how to fight an Indian with a knife?
just kidding
CJ, I'M LOOKING forward to u'r new site.all i know is when i was faced in a life or death struggel in '93,I choose life.i was trying to help someone in need in the street and it backfired.i've seen death and it's not pretty.It'll always be with me.I figure i'm one up on most people.kill or be killed...... :( But happy to BE alive;)
CJ, I think by "western" he means blade work influenced by fencing. the moves mentioned like Passata Sotto and En Quarta(excuse my spelling) are "advanced" fencing moves. Usually there is a split between Western methods, filipino methods and Asian methods with respect to knife fighting.

Jesse, I hope you don't mind me taking a stab (HAHA!) at your other question. There isn't, strictly speaking, ineffective moves. What type of action to take depends on what situation you are in. En Quarta and Passata Soto, as far as I know, aren't moves that will come up that often, but they could be useful. Get a strong foundation in slashing angles and thrusting before focussing on the more advanced moves.