A Special 897UH Premium Stockman


Oct 8, 2004
Here is a very early 897UH as evidenced by it's serial stamped in the brass liner, 08887. While it isn't a salesman's sample, that serial places it in the very earliest production, first catalogued in 1967. If that alone wasn't special enough, it still resides in it's original hinged top gift box with price tag, loss warranty claim form and brochure. All three blades of this Schrade Walden knife are stamped "Stainless".No scratches or corrosion after 57 years, they don't come any nicer than this!

897 08887.jpg
And at only $11.00 it's quite a steal. Well done!
In today's dollars it would be. But in 1967 minimum wage was $1.25. So the knife cost most of 1 1/2 days wages. Put another way, gas was .32 cents a gallon so that knife cost the equivalent of 34 gallons of gas. Inflation calculator online says that $11 in 1967 would be $102 in today's dollars!
A very similar one here, just a slightly later one with serial number 21746. Hinged box and coined liners are nice touches.


This one even has the cardboard outer sleeve and serial number 05190.

Great finds! Here is how the Schrade Walden end of year production reports recorded the 897UH.

1966 - 7,832
1967 - 20,915
1968 - 20,014
1969 - 21,227
1970 - 19,112
1971 - 25,093
1972 - 31,700

By 2002 there had been a total of 2,567,394 of the pattern sold.
I can't add a photo, but I have a serial number 21133 in the hinged box. With a tan sleeve. The brochure and warranty certificate is present. There is a $10.00 price sticker like Michaels $11.00 sticker. Someone marked 10.50 on the sleeve. The brochure states $10.00, Its a dandy example. I also have one I use sparingly, but the liner has tarnish covering the serial number. This is a favorite pattern,