An exercise in excess

So, pro tip, or armature knife handle maker life hack.... how to make concentric holes without a stepped drill bit. Put a pivot post below the chamfer bit. Set the depth stop and chamfer the hole. Then, slowly pivot the scale around the bushing. It cuts uniformly all around eliminating any eccentricity.

Excellent fix :thumbsup:
Looks bad. send it here, I know a guy with a dumpster. I'll see that nobody ever had to deal with it and I'll dispose of it properly into my knife cabinet.. er.. dumpster I mean.
^^^I know, right!? I did almost throw these away before I figured out a fix. In this pic you can see the line between the laminated pieces. My dad, who taught me everything I know about woodworking, had a saying... "turd in a punch bowl." Maybe that's a bit harsh...

there's plenty of wood still available. Do it again! And again, etc...
I couldn't see it until the last picture Tony. The comment about the liner is right. If you had done both sides like that with something like Blackwood maybe, man that would be killer.