Anybody seen this before?

Jul 31, 2010
I was looking on the Chestnut Ridge Knife Shop and found this.

Comes with custom micarta scales and their kydex sheath. I thought the price was pretty high until i put the price of the knife, handles, and after-market sheath together.
Here is the Link to the page.
It's like an ESEE and a BK2 had a baby. A sexy baby. That eats cars.
Just figured out they had a bunch more! They have mirror finishes and red handles.
Heres the link to the list. Your going to have to scroll down a bit.

Your links keep taking me to some sort of weird member log in page.

EDIT: nm, it's working now. Weird.
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Sweet knives, I kinda like the handles....
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What is that ugly bump on the bottom of that BK2? BLASPHE<MER!!

(I likes the micarta though, can you get'em seperate?)
no links or deal spotting guys. all of you who posted them, please remove all links immediately.
Good golly that mirror finish, red micarta bk7 is just drop dead sexy. That's what I'd rock if I was bush blingin'.
Yo Haze, I'm in coquitlam too :). Keep an eye on the Canadian section for get togethers and bush bashes if you're interested in that. We might have one up Burke sometime soon.
Oh awesome! Yeah I go up to Burke to shoot my buddy's 1911 from time to time (at the range lol) it would be great to meet up with some other like-minded guys. Grew up in Belcarra, but just recently have gotten into the survival/bushcrafting thing. (ofcourse, it happens a year after I move out of the forest and into an apartment lol).
CRKS is fantastic to deal with :) I bought knives from Tom last Christmas...I'm buying a Bk9 and kydex when I get back stateside from him, found his prices quite reasonable too.
Yeah I spotted that one a while, corks has awesome sheaths for everything. To bad a good price plus 25 shipping to Montreal plus customs handling fee equals not such a good price anymore. You would think kydex is illegal in Canada or something because its nowhere to be found.
no links or deal spotting guys. all of you who posted them, please remove all links immediately.

I have been wondering about how this works. I get the no deal spotting, but what if I was simply showing what I had?

As a for instance, say I had a thread about backpacks, and posted a link to the Amazon page for that backpack since the manufacturer doesn't have a proper website up, would that be a violation? I am not trying to get anyone to buy it, nor shilling for that company, merely showing which one I have (for sake of argument let's say I don't have the ability to post a pic of my actual pack).

Is it contextual, or is it simply "No links to outside websites. Period."?
I have been wondering about how this works. I get the no deal spotting, but what if I was simply showing what I had?

As a for instance, say I had a thread about backpacks, and posted a link to the Amazon page for that backpack since the manufacturer doesn't have a proper website up, would that be a violation? I am not trying to get anyone to buy it, nor shilling for that company, merely showing which one I have (for sake of argument let's say I don't have the ability to post a pic of my actual pack).

Is it contextual, or is it simply "No links to outside websites. Period."?

If it has a price and a "Buy Now" button, that is deal spotting. If its a manufacturers website, with MSRP, you're good, but if it has "Buy Now" and can be purchased from the link you posted, its a no go. If they are paying Bladeforums dealers with links to their webpage, you are good to go. It pays to be in the Bladeforums family.

Find pics but no way to buy from the linked page.
