Anyone else receive knife with scuff marks?

For you "wanna be rambos" out there, guns are made in very small sizes these days. There is the kel tec guns, tiny glock models, and the hk p7 (carried cocked & locked). Many guns can be carried cocked and locked. You don't have to pull the slide back on the HK P7, just squeeze the handle and it is ready to shoot. Someone trained in guns can deploy these quickly and kill your knife buddy in that elevator. You "wanna be rambos" who have watched too many Steven Segal movies need to realize that Strider is a business and the company can not survive by selling their products to only hardcore LE and military.
Gator, Rogue Spear,
Come one men! Are you really that sensitive? We appreciate people in general, not just military members. It is just that we (the military) sometimes see non military member's complaints as a bit trivial. It might not be trivial to you, and that is cool. Different people think different things based on their place in life. I'm sorry if you think that we are picking on those that don't serve in the military. Sometimes people make statements that are too broad to be interpreted as intended. I think that folks are not communicating what they wish to say as well as they could. Mr. Dwyer was making the point that a knife is always a needed tool. It was not a "my dad can kick your dad's ass" statement. Unfortunately, some folks, myself included, love to argue. We jump at the chance. Just take it as that. We are not attacking you, but just like the verbal jousting. I hope you don't feel poorly over this. It wouldn't be any fun in this forum if folks like you suddenly disappeared.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"

[This message has been edited by KnifeBomber (edited 02-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by killerkain (edited 02-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by killerkain (edited 02-25-2001).]
Sorry Mick, got a bit out of control there. Let me try this again.

The size of the carry gun has no relevance here, it still requires the same movement and effort to draw that weapon, even if it were a knife. What I am trying to say is that I would disable you first then decide if I were going to stick you or put a .45 sized hole in you. Once again, this only applies in close quarters. As for the "cocked and locked" that you mentioned, that's the only way that I have ever known to carry a gun. Any other way would be ignorant in my mind.

As for the "wanna be rambo's" comments. I would like to live the rest of my life without having to gut anyone but.... if it came down to it I would rather be the one dishing it out than taking it. I don't find humor in any training that could potentially save my life or the lives of others around me. More than likely "Rambo" will not be there to defend me, I will have to defend myself.


P.S. rogue_spear: This is based upon the training that I have had and not the training or ability of others.

[This message has been edited by killerkain (edited 02-26-2001).]
Allright, sorry, I didn't mean to flame anyways.
May be I wasn't right with everything, for that I appologize.

Have Fun,
Ok, I am not going to get into the arguement about knife or gun fighting in an elevator (although I imagine alot of factors such as surprise, bulk of clothing and some other things might play into the issue, possibly more so than type of weapon. - Just a thought) but I do have a question, actually two:

1) Do or will the scratches from the kydex go deep enough into the flats to increase the possibility of rust? (Yes I know it is made out of ATS - 34 a rust resistant steel, but in my case, the sweat off of my hands has managed to rust about every knife steel except for something TiN coated, or mirror polished.)

2) Has anyone checked the question Joe Chen had about whether the edge contacts the kydex - leading the knife to dull more quickly?

I'm a pretty practical guy, my main two nits regarding knives: it has to be sharp and no corrosion. (I know you can remove corrosion with steel wool, or a number of other things - it simply is an irritant.)

scratches removes the BB finish and makes the surface more smoother then BB surface

that means the rust will build up more easily on BB surface then the one been scratched .

That is why stain finished blade and stone finished blade is more better rust proof

non military personal don't need to kill someone else or hunt something else

that is why I prefer the stone finish on the utility blade

we lives in the island , we know the pain for the rust , try to bring you BB finished blade and stone finished blade to the hot spring ,guess which blade will rust ??

the rust effect is very quick .......

well I still prefer I scratch the blade by my self .....not from the manufacturer


Just MHO

The scratches will rust less than the BB finish.
The Kydex isn't dulling the knife.

And you are also correct in the fact that your knife shouldn't ‘come' with scratches.

Like I said, we are working on the scratch thing.

Carpe Diem


My knife gets too cold sometimes, is there any way you can make a sheath that will keep it warm and cozy? Its also kind of heavy can you make me one that isn't so heavy? You know its really sharp too, and I don't want to hurt my self. Can you make one that isn't so sharp? Come to think of it, my WB looks really mean, can you make a friendlier looking one?
A man walks into an elevator with a duck on his shoulder... oh wait, wrong thread.

Anyway.... seriously, I appreciate the Strider guys giving us the option, or at least working on it, of having a knife without scratches on it, although when I order mine, I'll probably want it to go ahead and come WITH the scratches. Hey, it will save this non-warrior knife user from the pain of the first scratch coming from me!

What I would really be interested in is the option of having the same finish as Cormack's going away knife. Oh wait, that wasn't just a finish...

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley


[This message has been edited by rockspyder (edited 02-26-2001).]
Regarding the whole "gun vs. knife" thing, I once had the pleasure of watching a video of the late Al Mar teaching a LEO knife class here in Portland, OR. Al asked for the person who thought they were the fastest draw to stand 10 feet away with his service pistol secured in his duty holster. The object was for the officer to "shoot" Al. On the "go", Al was able to close the distance, intercept the officer's gun arm, and leave red lipstick "cuts" from his rubber training knife on 2 major arteries (femoral and brachial) with a few cuts in other tender areas of the LEO's body. None of the areas were covered by the officer's body armour. I think it all depends on your training. I for one would never be able to do what Al Mar did. I'd get my head blown off and make a big mess with blood and gray matter everywhere. Concurrently, someone who is a quickdraw guy, who trains constantly drawing his weapon in different positions, etc could probably defeat a knife-weilding Superman. Maybe even Al Mar...but I doubt it. Many people who carry pistols think nobody can touch them because they have a firearm. This is simply not so. From a distance a firearm definitely has the advantage, but in an elevator I'd put my money on the trained knife guy. If I were into betting on Elevator Death Matches that is....

Usual Suspect -- My Collection

[This message has been edited by rfrost (edited 02-26-2001).]
As a late comment....while the Strider guys will never say this, I will. In regards to the comment about Strider not being able to survive in business just catering to the LE and Military market, you are sorely mistaken. Strider knives were one of those great little secrets in the high speed, low drag community for many years. Trust me, I know the exact second when they became very collectable. I am all for my friends at Strider becoming famous and making a well deserved living, but they are all pure Warriors of the highest order. They surround themselves with the same. Many of those who the guys build their lifesaving tools for are very hardcore in their support for the guys at Strider. As long as there are those who wake up every morning, don their armor, and strap on their gear to defend this country, and our way of life, Strider will always have a place as one of the finest pieces of pure gear ever made. I am glad that people like this gear as being collectable; however, if the collectabilty ever diminishes, those who find Striders to be essential lifesaving equipment will ALWAYS be Strider customers.

He who advances is sure of heaven-He who retreats of eternal damnation.
Thanks for the quick response to my questions. Looks like I am going to have to save my shekles for awhile for one of these.
Mr. Qwertyname,
In response to your two questions one was already answered and I will answer the other and elaborate on the first.
1.Do scratches increase probability of corrosive activity?
The logic behind corrosion is very simple, increase the exposure time of the steel to the corrosive element and you increase the likelyhood of corrosion. Fluid runs off mirror polished surfaces more so than any other therefore they are more corrosive resistant. Scratch a mirror polished blade and it increases the likelyhood of trapping a corrosive element in that area leading to corrosion. This goes for all finishes. However if the blade is wiped clean after use in the corrosive enviornment, the scratches are irrelevant as Mick said.
2.Does the kydex affect the cutting edge?
There is no contact on the cutting edge in our sheaths that will affect the edgeholding of the knife.
Thanks for your interest,