April 2024 Buck of the Month BOTM - 152 Fixed Blade Ranger S35VN Ebony NS Bolster/Rivets

More smooth bone, more smooth bone, more…….


Last April's BOTM appears to still be available, if anybody wants a Granadillo & brass S45Vn 113
I picked up one of these cheap secondhand, and it's actually a beautiful little knife. Still wonder what they'll do with the stock that hasn't sold at MSRP.
I picked up one of these cheap secondhand, and it's actually a beautiful little knife. Still wonder what they'll do with the stock that hasn't sold at MSRP.
I don't remember what I was looking at when I saw it; but at first I thought it was this months, just early. When I realized it was last year's, I wondered why I hadn't grabbed one...then I saw the price. Oh, yeah...now I remember
Waiting for a 124 of course but I would buy a 110 slim with carbon fiber. Been wanting a 110 with a pocket clip but another knife with g10 handles doesn’t do much for me.
I don't remember what I was looking at when I saw it; but at first I thought it was this months, just early. When I realized it was last year's, I wondered why I hadn't grabbed one...then I saw the price. Oh, yeah...now I remember
Me too it’s a beautiful knife, I bought a basic version in 420 and called it good.
It's gonna be a 110 with a fork instead of a blade. Of course, it must be Magnacut🙄, for bragging rights.

Stay tuned tuned for the spoon-110 next month.... In CPM-M4.
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