ArchAngel 2

Dec 25, 1998
I finally took a plunge (no pun intended)and got myself an ArchAngel 2. It is without a doubt the sharpest knife that I have ever owned. And I have owned a whole bunch of knives.( You may correctly call me a 'knife nut"). The blade geometry is absoultely superb and as close to perfect as I can imagine. The edge is surgical and the grind is (as far as I can see) absolutely perpendicular to the edge. The grain is visible throughout the knife, and this makes for one beautiful piece of steel. The relevant details and thought that Mr. Piorek has put into the knife are evident throughout. The reinforced tip comes to mind. The handle is simple and FUNCTIONAL. The Shoulder harness is excellent, but I need to work with it, if I intend to carry in that mode. His options for carry are as well thought out as his knives. The cost? When I think of all the fun I have had throwing away a ton on money on knives over the years, the cost factor is nil. Zero. I can recommend the AA2. I am anticipating my next Blade Rigger purchase...hmmm.....a custom ....
Larry (AKA Mule)



I gotta agree with you! Even though it's considered SCP, it surpasses the quality levels of ALOT of custom knives. Everyone that I've shown it to says the RiggerCoat looks like doodie
, they find it incrediably comfortable to hold and use. It is a highly, highlt functional blade, and can't really see any faults with either the knife, or sheath. It is, in a word, superb!

Take care,
John Johnson
I wanted to bring this thread back up to the top as I think it beautifully illustrates part of what I was trying to say in the thread I started 9/23 and it is great to see others take the plunge as Mule called it, and see for themselves...other know, and I hope all of you know soon, the superior quality of JSP.