Are the pliers on Victorinox SAK's really functional as pliers?

I am going over the Victorinox SAK models with the the intention of buying a couple with a lot more tools than the models I have now. I really like what I have read about the
Swiss Champ and others in that range. Just wonder about the pliers that are on many of these models. Do they really work? Anybody have any experience with using the pliers?
If you keep in mind that wrenches are designed for turning nuts & bolts and pliers are designed for grabbing, twisting, and pulling then...YES...the pliers on the Vic SAKs work very well.
If you want the pliers for cranking nuts & bolts, then I'd say go get the right tool for job.
But even so, the pliers on a SAK can handle small nuts/bolts.
I find that the pliers on my Swisschamp make excellent automotive fuse pullers. Those plastic fuse pullers slip all the time.
the pliers on my Wenger are much more useful than the scissors ..the screw in them always works loose after one or two cuts ...after tightening it with the top of the tweezers(they can double as the perfect size flat screwdriver for that pain of a screw)....but,the pliers have been "through it" .

got more use from them than my Leatherman...because, they always bit into my hand ...and then grew legs and walked off with some loving "friend"....i bet...
I see the pliers as extra large tweezers.
They are perfect for removing wood or metal splinters
My favorite use for the pliers is removing pin bones from salmon fillets before cooking. They are perfect for that.
I use the pliers on my mechanic ( my edc) to unhook fish and numerous small work tasks almost daily
I used the pliers on my Deluxe Tinker to tighten the battery connection on my car the other day. Worked like a charm, even though it wasn't the tool for the job.

This is why I keep a small but real tool kit in my truck, family car, and even glove box of the Vespa. Just no substitute for real tools.

They are though. That's the point.

When you have no real tool to hand, you use the multitool. If it is too major, you walk back to the van and find the right toolbox.

I carry a Swiss Champ, & the pliers need replaced now, after I accidently tested a 240V ring main fuse with them. The precision tips are no longer the light-tight fit they once were!

The old set, on my one I EDC'd from the age of 13, was 'notchy' from an attempt to cut hardened wire. My fault.

Beyond that, they are fantastic. Small and useful, they complemented the Gerber I recently lost, & are far better than the cheap Jeep pliers multi-tool lack of funds forced me to buy as a replacement.

Also, the SAK scissors are excellent. Far better than the Gerber ones, in every way. (Note I see they've updated the Gerber scissors)
The old Swiss Champ had a screw holding the two halves together, but the new models (at least 10 years ago now) are updated to have a rivet. The screw used to come lose all the time, but you could re-tighten it. The rivet? I worried, but for nothing, as it is very strong and has never come loose.

The way I see it, for half the stuff I need to do I can do it with the multitools, & in less time than it takes to go get the toolbox.
I am going over the Victorinox SAK models with the the intention of buying a couple with a lot more tools than the models I have now. I really like what I have read about the
Swiss Champ and others in that range. Just wonder about the pliers that are on many of these models. Do they really work? Anybody have any experience with using the pliers?

They work for backpackers and are intended to help with small items like pack frames and cook stoves.
