Arkansas Custom Knife Show 2013 - Show Us what you Got

Oct 28, 2006
The Arkansas Custom Knife Show is a little over than a month away. I see some makers are finishing up knives so please show us what you're bringing.

Friday Feb 15 - Gala Reception >>>>> Saturday - Sunday Feb 16-17 Show

New this year: The Performance Bowie Award. This will be determined by a cutting competition that will take place on Friday around 1:30-2:00pm February 15th at the Historic Arkansas Museum. So arrange to get in early!

I am ready for this show. Always so many great knives and great people also. The makers are so nice in helping the collectors both new and old.
I am with Don. They are coming along. I always look forward to this show.
I always look forward to this show.

many of us will have only this thread to look forward to- happy times! Always a great display, whose pixels one can drool upon themselves over.

Can't wait!:)
I do have a large take-down Damascus Bowie with a nice Stag handle and hot-blued fittings out getting Scott Teaschner leather right now!! :)

I have a nice laddered hunter with some awesome feather walnut just about done.

A san mai - 'something' will be coming along.

A 'special' Damascus Brut de Forge done Andersen Style. ;)

I'm working hard on a customer's knife right now, too, but I'll have some things to show in Little Rock.

I look forward to seeing everyone there.
My favourite show - looking forward to seeing what everyone will bring and thanks for the cool pics so far!
I look forward to this show also. great Show with great makers. Very Friendly.

What is the Friday night Gala about. Anyone ever go to that.
M Forge, the Friday night gala is a giant party with food, and a chance to meet and greet with all your friends (old and brand new) and all or most of the makers, and see some really top shelf work placed for consideration for the "best" in various categories. It's well worth the price of admission.

I started this in another thread but will post one picture here to consolidate things.

Yes, it's handy to have show knives all togeather in one place for future veiwing. That's a beauty by the way.
Looking forward to seeing the Stag piece above.