I am pretty sure that I will need one of these.

I hope that it will be as much fun to throw as it looks like it will be. Make mine with an eighteen inch handle please.

e-Mail sent.

Later, Jim

The hammer shown is the three pounder. There's also a two and a one. As well as a bunch of hooks and entry tools.
The lower holes are for other attachments.
The primary edge is a double ground edge.
The underside edge is chisel ground for notching and stuff. This part also works great as a draw knife.

The large hole is for removing things that you have pounded in. Or for pulling line.

OAL 16"
.250 ATS34 R.C. 58.

Still working on pricing and carry system.

I'm gonna hack some sht up today!!!

What exactly is the head attachment system? Looks like the pull-pins you're using now might be a tad noisy in use, with the rings jingling. I like the handle a lot; looks like a useful size overall.

Again, fantastic picture!

Congrats on the wonderful new projects and first show of your new blades in the forums.They look great!

Warmest wishes,

PS hope you got my latest mail
Have I mentioned that you guys ROCK? Mick, you're a freakin' genius! Damn good artist too. Keep it up, man (let me know when stocks for the company become available!)...

That axe looks pretty cool, but those knives really rock. Any more info on those? But don't those handles look a little too "ergonomic"?

Damn that is BA too. When I hit the Lotto Ill buy one of everthing you have.


Pain was made for the weak!
Hey Mick,
How did you know I was looking for a bowie knife and have an extra paycheck

Those are nice, anybody carrying them, or do we have to get on the waiting list.

Collect 'em to use 'em
Hey there,
Thanks very much.
The Knives are of .250 BG42. Twelve and thirteen inches long. With six and one half inch and seven and one half inch blades. Measuring from the front of the top guard. has some on the way. Give them a call.

Mr. J,
Haven't had a chance to throw the damn thing yet!

Talk to you soon


[This message has been edited by Mick Strider (edited 05-07-2001).]
Hey Guys-Just sign me up for one-woooooooow. I just showed the picture to my pilot-hey Ryan it works, he is already promising to fly better. Sorry I missed you guys at L.V., but thong season opened in Lake Havasu........far better sight than Duane in the Jacuzzi.

He who advances is sure of heaven-He who retreats of eternal damnation.
Definetely the latest in pilot correctional devices. Gotta love it. Missed a fun one out here. We'll try to do it again soon.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"

Yes officer, that's the one that got me. So, how much is the bigger of those two knives gonna cost? And does it have a name yet?

As I am now at the "tip of the spear" and have no way to contact anyone in the rear, (just by chance I got a little "extra" time on this computer) I am wondering how I order or get one of these beautiful blades?
I am interested in getting the larger of the two (7 1/2") and am wondering if a g-10 handle with the bigger guards is possible...
2/1 TRL Plt.
11th MEU
somewhere "over there"

"Fear is for the enemy.
Fear and Bullets."