Benchmade cuts up guns now?

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I engaged your suggestions with level responses and you ignored it to call me an idiotic right wing brigadier. I'm sorry you see the world this way. I really am. Life is much better when you can consider the positions of other people - sometimes you find out that you were wrong, and that's okay.
He won’t last long after the socialism gets fully implemented where he lives.
You sir don't know what the second amendment is for. Please look it up.
Absolutely correct.... mylest you might want to bone up on the second amendment and how it reads. It doesn’t guarantee our right to hunt but to defend ourselves against our own government if need be. I’m pretty sure since our military has semi auto rifles we would at least need the same armaments if we citizens ever had to go up against them.
I am truly happy to see so many other people care about this, the loud mouth anti gun people appear more numerous because so often people who support our constitution are silent.
It might not be the goal of civilians who vote Democrat. It ABSOLUTELY is the goal of the Democratic party[...]

A pretty important distinction. Without getting too political, I'd imagine that people usually support a political party not because they agree with everything that the party wants to achieve, but because they agree with most of what the party wants to achieve.

However, if your main/one of your main political concern(s) is about being able to have unfettered access to edged tools and firearms, it would seem counterintuitive to monetarily support a political party which has a history of trying to do everything it can to achieve the opposite, especially if you're in either of the aforementioned businesses. The optics of doing so, as can be gathered from reactions here and elsewhere, look to be very negative.

That being said, there is a somewhat valid point of living in "blue" or "red" states and donating to the party that has no chance of affecting any legislative change vs. trying to lobby the party in power.

As for Benchmade (to keep this post somewhat related to this section of the site), after reading everything so far, I'd like to see what the company puts out in response to this (beyond the rushed non-statement they've already put out).
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What’s it say? I don’t have fb
The good part is now we know the left wing idiots are. On a knife forum no less. AKA edged weapons.
Not quite sure a person's politics has much of anything to do with discussing knives. Sure carry laws are an issue that effect us, but for the vast majority of topics on this site, I don't care who a person voted for, nor does it matter. If I have a question about which torx driver is best, I am not going to judge the quality of a person's answer on weather they have a donkey or an elephant on their back window.
amazing how many leftest post here...when did that happen?

Anyways y'all do realize that a knife is a type of arm and is protected by the 2nd just like guns. Once guns are gone, or regulated into obscurity, what do you think the Dems will come after next? You all know the answer so don't be foolish.

Half the knives that these Liberal posters own here would land them in jail in England. Is that what y'all want here?
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