Best New folder name wins a free folder

Walter, Thank you for catching my error.
The MIG-29 is the Fulcrum - I was thinking about the SU-27 which looks similar, but is a larger platform geared for attack roles and carries a heavier payload of ordinance.
Both are out standing aircraft, but my knife design is based in the smaller of the two.

They both give you a lot of bang for the buck - and from what I understand, very few bucks.
Pretty much a crisp US 100 dollar bill to each guy on the ground crew will buy you the plane... that goes for Tanks as well. They may even take the time to explain the controls to you...
Ok, let’s keep it poisonous. Here some nice animal names:

Cascabel (Tropical rattlesnake: Crotalus durissus)
Large with diamond-shaped marks, two dark stripes on the neck and a rattle on the tail. Nocturnal and found in drier areas from eastern South America to Mexico. Aggressive. One of the world’s most dangerous!

Katipo (Latrodectus katipo)
The New Zealand relative of the Black Widow, found on beaches of North Island and the western coast of South Island. Lurks under driftwood, stones or well-sheltered plants. Can be fatal

Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa)
Not much thicker than a pencil lead, a scaleless, parasitic catfish of South America. Said to enter the you-know-what openings of the body, their rear-pointing spines causing great pain.

Too wild? Ok, try these plant names:

Lobelia (Lobelia erinus)
Bell flower family. Native to South Africa and a garden ornament. Height 4-9”. All parts are poisonous. Poison causing numbness, tingling in the mouth, abdominal pains and vertigo and affecting the heart. Can cause paralysis.

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum pictum)
Native to Pacific Islands and the Malay Peninsula. Also an ornamental in warm regions and a houseplant in temperate zones. Evergreen shrub with bright colored leaves. Height 4-7’ All parts poisonous. Purgative action. Member of the Spurge family. Irritant poisons inducing abdominal pains, vomiting, nerve symptoms such as dilated pupils, headaches and, occasionally, convulsions. Sap causes blisters.

Laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides)
Native to south and central Europe and a common ornamental. Deciduous tree with pendulous bunches of yellow pea-like flowers. Height 5-10’. All parts poisonous, including the roots, bark and wood. May be fatal. Causing a range of effects from loss of coordination and muscular movements, to double vision and deep sleep. Affects the nervous system, sometimes leading to death.

Lantana (Yellow sage: Lantana camara)
Native to the West Indies, naturalized throughout the tropics, a very common tropical ornamental and a houseplant. Evergreen shrub with domed flower heads in a wide color range, followed by black fruits. Height 18-39”. Dangerously poisonous fruits. Irritant poison, causing burning pains in the throat and stomach, thirst, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and shock.

Mezereon (Daphne mezereum)
Native to Europe, Anatolia and Siberia, and a very common ornamental. Deciduous shrub with clusters of pale purple-pink to violet-red flowers on bare stems, followed by scarlet berries. Height 35-39”. All parts a poisonous, especially the bark and berries. Can be fatal. Irritant poisons, causing burning pains in the throat and stomach, thirst, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and shock.

Still to negative? What about the following?

Malanga (Xanthosoma saggittifolium)
Native to the West Indies and an ornamental in southern US. Also a food plant. Tuberous-rooted perennial with large arum-like leaves. Height 30-48” All parts poisonous, especially the uncooked tubers.

Dasheen (Colocasia esculenta)
Native to Java, a garden ornamental and a food plant. It is a cormous-rooted parennial, with large arum-like leaves. Height 35-71”. All parts poisonous if eaten raw, especially the corms.

Pangi (Pangium edule)
Native to the Malay Peninsula. Quick growing, spreading tropical tree, with large heart-shaped leave and reddish-brown, edible fruits. Height 20-25’. Poisenous seeds, edible after cooking.

Well, that's nature,

just some ideas...

The Darrel Ralph "Sovereign"

(or better yet spell it Souveran like the Germans do or Soverain like the French)....

supreme, exalted, potent, excellent, dominant.


[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 11-01-98).]
If your knife design is really hi tech:


or Cyber Punk buzz words


Just for fun.
How about these names.

Snake names: adder, nadra, natrix, ophidia or serpent.

Hi Tech names: TechMaster, HiTech, GenTech or MultiTech.

General Category names: GenCat, General or Genus.

Performs many tasks names: Jack, JackMaster, Handy, Handyman, Deft, Tasker, MultiTasker, Multus, Poly, Multipotent or MP.

Other catchy names: Keeper, Epistle, Hilt, Hiant, Grip, Covet, Panger or Raptor.

"Pliant"....... In French, it means both flexible and foldable.

Or .."Serpent Pliant"... Flexible, foldable snake.

Or "Pliant Serpent" ....same

Ron Ruppé
try dragon's fang, devil's claw

or for hebrew

Ash Tsedeck - Righteousness Fire

the a in Ash is pronounced as the letter A
Ash - fire

the Ts in Tsedeck is like the s in snake
the e in Tsedeck is like the e in end
Tsedeck - Righteousness
Sorry, rush of blood to the head, I will post another name here later.


[This message has been edited by Clay Kesting (edited 11-07-98).]
"Omni" , meaning all, everywere. As in
Omniscient; knowing all things
Omnivore(ous); eating any sort of food.

T-REX - Dinosaur with the BIG teeth
JOAT - Jack Of All Trades

If you are going to build a great knife, one that you really
feel will be worthy of a great name, how about: San Greal
It is the original french version of "Holy Grail" from the
grail romance stories.

Some have even translated it as Sang Real which would be
"Royal Blood", thus the theories proposed by Baigent, Liegh,
et al about the blood line of Christ surviving in the royal
families of Europe.

My german sheperd is named Sangraal (san-gray-al), which is
the original French word used in the stories.

[This message has been edited by RJP (edited 17 November 1998).]
VENTURE is good for a general use folder.
"DuHast" is good for a tactical (German).
DEVASTATOR is good for an automatic or quick access tactical.
I like Triton as well for a tactical auto
I was looking at the posts and thought...

"Enuf", "Enuff" "Enough" "Already" "All Ready" "Enuf Already" or variations!
I was looking at the posts and thought...

"Enuf", "Enuff" "Enough" "Already" "All Ready" "Enuf Already" or variations!

Ron Ruppé
Well if you want gothic here's a couple that might interest you. I was having a cold beer with a heavy metal back and here's what jumped out on the paper:

You could call it the "SALMON", operating purely on instinct...ignoring the destructive elements around it while it forges its way against the natural forces to reach its destination! I know, I'm a little biased and perhaps egotistical. One other thought, I'm capable of about the "LERRAD", do I have to explain? I believe a clever pronunciation of this could be (lair-rod)

