BK2 The untold story

Scientists confirm that, "According to the evidence, most of the known Black Holes were drilled with a BK2".
Most people think that a BK2 is made of 1095CV steel, but actually, Toooj has found a way to forge "WHOOPASS" into a blade.

Why do we have to LOVE the BK-2? If we don't the BK-2 will................ you fill the rest in.

Why do we have to LOVE the BK2? If we don't the BK2 will stomp a muddy hole in our carcasses then chop down a tree, baton it to pieces, make a friction fire, and use the coals to dry up the muddy hole.

How's that?

Becker BK2, eats hardwood and craps Izulas.

How to dis-arm a crazy man with a ESEE


I think that was an excerpt from the Jeff Randall autobiography, adapted to film, at Cannes, right?

Actually this story WAS told:

"That's not a knife.
Now THAT's a knife!"


i heard the Busse buys lots of old BK2s at a premium to harvest enough steel from to make their knives with :)

remember Pangea? yeah, well, the BK2 got hold of that action. now we have continents!

velocirapters ran the other way when they heard the BK2 coming

when they dig that crater on the moon expecting to find a monolith, they'll find a giant BK2. it's waiting for them.

most monster movies would end so much faster if they just killed the bad guy with a BK2 from the start. done. once killed with a BK2, it stays killed.

now, the story can be told! cavemen found a BK2, and tried to imitate it, but the best they had was flint knives. still, they gave it a good try.

it look 30 years, but even ESEE makes a knife that nearly comes close :)

chuck norris used a BK2 to circumcise king kong!

oh, look, it's late!
I don't have brakes on my car. I just throw out a BK2 attached to a rope out my car window to use as an anchor and slow my car down.
Bad, bad, bad mental picture. I need to go look at a BK-2 and clear my mind.

well, he WAS going to use his teeth, and realized the job was too big
If the black knight had owned a BK-2, no one *would* have passed.

If Excalibur had been a BK-2, Arthur wouldn't need to pull it from the stone, he could just pick it up from a bed of gravel.

If George Washington had a BK-2 there would be no such thing as cherry trees.


Beckerhead #42