Blonde Roots

Feb 5, 1999
Ok, gonna stick my neck out at the risk of looking foolish, but Vince Ford (Chief Eng.) and I were both wondering about the refreshing of the pages. To see new posts, do you have to exit out of the site and re-enter? For instance..Say I'm in General, read, read...then I go to the, read, read...when I exit back out to the front page, will new posts that may have occured in the General Forum show as new posts? Or will it still show there's nothing new? Does this make sense? Is it just Friday and my brain is fried? Is it the thin mountain air up here?


The brain is a wondrous thing, I admit,
but please, keep it away from me

The software is cookie based, so it reads your cookie to see when to mark new posts.

If you go from one forum to another, sometimes your browser will cache the main pages preventing you from seeing the actual new posts. It happens, but can be fixed by hitting Shift + Reload/ Refresh at the same time, to force download the actual page, instead of reading from the cache.

Typically what I do is stay on the front page to the forums, and open a seperate window for each forum I want to read, repeating with the individual messages. Then, when I'm done with all of those, I hit Shift+Reload, and look for new messages.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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