Can you spot a "market top" in Sebenza's?


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2002
I've been in the investment business nearly 22 years. I spent the better part of the '80's as a stockbroker, then ran a sales desk for a large mutual fund company, and for the past 9 years have wholesaled financial products to stockbrokers and financial planners. During this time I've seen more than a few market cycles, both bull and bear, and as years go by, the less hazy are the indicators that precede both. My question to you bladeophiles concerns the indisputable, insatiable desire for a certain South African's top selling knife.

First my own admission: I'm dying to get a Sebenza! I mean I really want one, and have attempted to trade for one several times, here and other forums. But what the heck is up with some of the offers floating out there? :eek: I'm waiting to see WTT: Young children for Classic Sebbie, or..WTT: Excellent Kidney for Sebenza, no box and papers, ok! Man, some of the offers being thrown out there are incredible. And not just today-every day, 24-7, with no end in sight.

In the summer in 1987, I was working for a very old N.Y. based investment firm, in Houston. One day I was on the phone with a client when I noticed there were a couple of furniture movers bringing in new high backed leather chairs. They would go from broker to broker and ask them to stand, then replace the old chair with a new one. This went on for about 20 minutes, when the guy next to me (a broker with about 12 years in the business) leans over and covering his phone mouthpiece says "Very toppy." I looked at him and said "What?" He then explained that we must be near a market top if our firm was finally willing to replace the chairs of 45 brokers in one fell swoop. This was about 45 days before the market crashed in '87.

Having been serious about knives for about 6 or 7 years, I therefore must defer to more experienced blade afficionado's to ask whether or not the frequency of the requests, and the number of knives being offered for trade indicate the top of the market for Sebenza's is at hand? Am I alone in my appraisal here? :confused: geegee
I think Sebbies are in a "topless" market:) First off, Reeve keeps a short list of distributors and asks that they hold the line on pricing structure. I have never seen a Sebbie "fire sale" anywhere. Their lead time for orders not in the pipeline is now 10 weeks or more so ther is no glut of new product in the near future. They just changed blade steels to CPM S30v. Some will remain loyal to the traditional BG42 and others will insist on the latest, greatest steel offering. Because of this,I do not see a dip in values for used knives. They just don't make enough units to have a volitile market cycle.I'm gonna move this to the Reeve forum.
No top in sight! CRK seems to sell all they make and then some. Buy one and you will see why. They make a very fine product.
Because CRK will refurbish a knife to look and work like new, second-hand isn't second-rate, the way it might be for a less durable knife. The basic knife is expensive, but refurbishing or upgrading isn't, which is one more reason Reeve gets what are practically custom prices.

It's all relative. I have seen some real bargains on Sebenzas lately.