
May 12, 1999
Has he ever considered doing a cane or walking stick out of Titanium? Thanks Joe
My guess is that weight would be a hindering factor for something like that. James uses titanium because it is hard, but not brittle, and lightweight.

The power and effeciveness of a weapon comes from its momentum. More momentum, more damage. Momentum is calculated: weight (mass?) times velocity.

James' titanium sticks inflate the weight side of this equation for thier momentum. They aren't lead, but similar sized rattan sticks wouldn't have the same potential force.

Something like a staff or bo or walking stick is longer and so when swung the end travels at a greater speed. This speed is where the momentum comes from for these types of sticks, so weight isn't an issue.

There is also a trade-off, when weight stops being an asset and becomes a burden -- if the stick is too heavy to control, then it won't be too effective.

One more thing. A Rigger Coated rattan staff will be both light weight and protected from traditional rattan wear and tear (the Rigger Coat is guaranteed, for more info, go to the Blade Rigger Homepage). This means that (at least from my angle) the benefits of a larger titanium stick are not outweighed by their liabilities.

However, let it be said that James is a master at what he does, and before anything else he was and is a custom craftsman. If titanium is still what you want, I'd be dollars to pacos that he could accomodate your wish.


Jed Link

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I wonder if it woud be possible to make a hollow cane, say 3/4" in diameter, with the center 3/8" drilled out.

Don't forget to pay your taxes...they eventually become my knives:)
