Caracci Comes to New York!!!! ATC's first Tomahawk CQB Basic Skills Seminar!!!

Nov 2, 1999

We are gearing up for the American Tomahawk Company's first seminar, CQB: Basic Skills I, to be administered by none other than Chris Caracci, Navy Seal Team 6 Veteran and Tactical Trainer.

We have a dojo facility secured here in Northern New Jersey and want to know how many of you are interested in attending. The date of the seminar is scheduled for Sunday, October 7th.

As this is the very first offering of its kind, and in keeping with Mr. LaGana's desire to make the training affordable for as many people as possible, the seminar will be $45 per student for a full day of training with Mr. Caracci.

Please respond to this thread only if you are willing and able to come, as it will function later as an application index for us to mail out registrations.

Attire must be casual clothing, bare feet or white soled sneakers only.

Registration forms will require pre-payment and you will need to sign a wavier.

Beverages and snacks will be available at no charge, and smoke breaks will be scheduled frequently cause I can't go more than 60 minutes without a Winston. :D

Sound off!!!

Count me in!!!! Tell me where to send my money...Will there be a trainer hawk by then that I can purchase and bring with me.

This is a great deal. To learn from Chris for 45.00 is cheap.
Andy just send me my plane ticket then I will send you 45.00:p :D

They don't call him "The Big Scary Guy" without good reason!

Caracci is a cool guy and can teach. This promises to be a good seminar.
You guys are never going to believe this, BUT I got my wifes blessing to go.
Who do I make the check out to????
And where do I send it????

OH!!! And lets not forget time and directions!!!!;)

COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!:cool: :cool:

PS>>>I took the liberty of linking this over at the Hood's Woods"Hoodlums forum". I think there may be some Hoodlums interested in this.
I sure wish I lived out there on the east coast right now. Hopefully, this seminar will come to Kalifornia some day.
OK...send your payments into our office at the address below.

American Tomahawk Company
77 Rea Avenue
Midland Park, NJ 07432

Upon receipt of your check, I will mail you the registration form and wavier. I will not deposit your check until you return the forms.

Please return the paperwork before the class...not at the door of the seminar.

Enrollment is really starting to fill up, so don't delay in registering if you want to come! This is gonna be a totally fun, unique, and COOL way to spend a Sunday.

We shall be blessed with the presence of the beautiful and charming Hawkchucker! How are ya HC?

Really looking forward to this training -- should be a great group and one helluva learning experience!


I know BT!

Looking forward to meeting and hanging with a fellow Hoodlum!

See ya there --

Why, thanks make me blush....doin' pretty good, thanks!...hung with Hawk-Boy-Andy and Amy just last night...looking forward to this're's gonna be stinkin' great...but we have to watch out for the Prisco's...they're already lethal hear?....Amy's been having cement blocks placed on her stomach and broken by a sledge hammer...holy cow...look out!! :eek:
Glad to hear you're well, HC!

Cement blocks and sledgehammers, eh?

Hmm, the funny things people will do to relax and relieve stress...
