Chipping in sharpmaker stones?

Sep 24, 2008
Hello...I just bought a sharpmaker from spyderco. I have used it to only sharpen one knife and it does work very well. The problem is....I've been VERY careful not to let the stones touch anything and i still have a few small chips in the stones. Anyone know why this is happening and is there anything you can does to smooth out the chips on the stones. The stones that have the problem are the M, and F. My diamond and UF are perfect. THANKS for any input!
The very corners of my medium and fine ceramics have chipped, but because of the location, it's not realy an issue. If yours are only chipped on the corners, just try to bear it in mind and work around it... I don't think there's all that much that can be done to repair ceramic - it's very hard. If the damage is bad enough that you can't sharpen at all, you'd just be better off replacing them in my opinion.
I've had my Sharpmaker for 12+ years now and used it too many times to count with no visible chips.

You guys must be sharpening barbed wire on it!!
Not sure how mine chipped, but over the 14 or so years I've had the set, I'm sure they've been jangled together on occasion, or dropped even. Possibly even pressure fractures from using heavier blades on it. I dunno! :(
I bought a new one last year and it had some irregularities on the corners and various other places. I don't particularly like the Sharp Maker or ceramics in general because if you have any problems like that it is very hard to work them out (or do any lapping).

However, it was still very usable, I just stayed away from those areas. Later I gave it to my boss for Christmas. I also have a round crock stick V sharpener that is the same way. I marked the rough areas with a Sharpie and stay away from them.

yeah it is on the corners, so not the biggest deal. Its just annoying cuz i just bought the set and it already has a few chips.:mad: Have to get some bubble wrap or something to store them, i dont care for keeping the stones in the plastic case. Overall though, i do like the system and i think it works great. Hopefully its lasts a long time.
That's too bad that the rods have chipped already. Hopefully they'll hold up at least as long as some of ours have. Knock on wood!
If they came chipped Spyderco will replace them. You'd have to contact their CS department for more information.

FWIW I haven't had any chipping problems.