Cold Steel's Brave Heart for FMA work

Sep 27, 1999
Has anyone felt this knife and trained with it in FMA?

I Have started doing some FMA, I saw the CS BH and thought it would work well with it.

Any opinions?


I personally really like the Brave Heart. It works well no matter how you index the blade. Quick draw sheath... awesome price.
I wish you responded earlier. It might have influenced my decision to buy that knife. I mostly got negative responses so I chose to buy the CRKT ABC hammond. It is an excellent knife. I think it feels like the Kalista, another knife I was considering.

I probably will get around to the BH sometime in the future.

I train FMA and I have had some limited experience with the Braveheart in that I first handled the plastic version then got to hold the real thing. I liked the feel of the plastic version over the steel. You might want to consider the Roach Belly.

The BH is one nasty little sticker, but IMO not as effective a slicer as it's brother RB. If concealment is your #1 priority then the BH is the way to go. However, for overall defensive and FMA work, I believe the RB is far superior. I wrapped the handle with racket grip and that RB is just wicked in any you hold it.

I think that with the minimalist approach offered by the Braveheart there's very little margin for how it fits any one individuals hand. My teacher has a larger hand than mine and he just loved it, I didn't like it all and I really wanted to. I couldn't index it properly, and the thin tapering handle never felt secure.

If it helps, I wear a medium size glove which tends to be just a touch roomy, but a small glove tends to be a touch tight. Of course that's only one aspect of hand size. So if you still have a burning curiosity at least you won't have to invest much money to find out.