Contest- Name this knife pattern!


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
Hey folks,
you'll know this pattern as 'The Survival Knife', which is about as uncreative and disinteresting a name for a knife pattern can be.

Nathan and I need your help to come up with a proper name for this thing- something concise, accurate, unique and interesting.

For whomever comes up with a name that Nate and I decide works, I will work personally with you to design a knife to your specifications. You'll get all orginal drawings mailed to you, and I'll even help you locate a custom knife maker or two that could help you turn it into reality. The pattern will be yours to do with as you please, as you will have full ownership of it.

I know that's not a real inspirational prize, but it's all I got to give :)

I have a few ideas: Lifa, Velona, or Superesse. "Survive" in Icelandic, Malagasy, and Latin. Obviously Él Niño or Little John could work as less serious ones as well.
that's some good stuff so far!
I just posted this in another thread before I saw your thread.

What about an acronym ? The CANUSA

Camp And Nature Ultimate Survival Apparatus
Carothers Arnold Necessary Universal Survival Apparatus

Complete And Necessary Utilitarian Survival Aid
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I like that one too, kind of an international flavour
I like that one too, kind of an international flavour

Yes I felt it gave credit to those deserving. I like the acronym but the phrase may need a bit of polishing. My vocabulary is somewhat limited to a high school education and I couldn't quite come up with a phrase that flowed as well as I would have liked.
I'll stick to my original suggestion:

Wilderness Knife: CPK-WK.

P.S. Your original theme being that if you were left / stranded all alone without any other cutting tools but this one to rely on to survive, what tool would you want to depend on. Since the name "Survival" (an entirely appropriate moniker which relates to your concept) would cause conflicts of interest with Survive! Knives, I draw my inspiration from using this tool if I was haplessly lost in the Wilderness.

P.P.S. Please refrain from long arse acronyms that some other Co uses. With all due respect to the gladiator types, I find those names to be quite cheesy and not fitting to the image and the pace of this Company.

There you have it for my suggestion and the reasonings behind my opinion :p
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Rocky river ripper
Blue ridge butcher
Catawba crippler
Coddle creek cutter
Field chopper
Bush sabre
Bush piercer
Bush beater
My favorite-Bush mangler
Mountainman mangler
CPK Wilderness Warrior
CPK Wildlife Warrior
CPK Forest F#cker
CPK Bush Master
CPK Badlands
CPK Wasteland
CPK Comrade
CPK Compadre
CPK Chum
CPK Sidekick
CPK Creed
CPK Reliance

I have no intention of winning this thing, I'm just spit balling here trying to get the ball rolling one way or another..
CPK Expedition Knife
CPK Explorer
CPK PFK, short for "Promptus et Fidelis", Latin, meaning Ready and Faithful.
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Ursa and if you make a smaller version you can call it Ursa Minor. Or if you make a larger version Ursa Major.
CPK Expedition Knife
CPK Explorer
CPK PFK, short for "Promptus et Fidelis", Latin, meaning Ready and Faithful.

Not being all that creative myself, I have to say I like the "CPK Explorer". To me, it's clean, concise, brings to mind the appropriate pictures, and isn't, well, obnoxious. Trying to think of other words that would embody "does it all" or "everything you need. Mike
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