convex edge

m. wohlwend

Apr 21, 2007
I have officially become a fan of the covexex edge. I still have a learning curve. Any fans? Comments?

Look to see some knives come out of the shop soon with a convexed edge.:D
You already know it is my favorite!!!

Mark when I was in the Marine Corps in the late 70's and early 80's I converted all my knives to a convex edge. Folks back tghen thought I was nuts.
i am definitely a fan of convex edge knives..:thumbup: i think it works well for just about everything.. they're fairly easy to mantain too.. a little stropping and your good to go..

check out the wicked sharp convex edge on this beauty, i just picked... it was made by Ban Tang..:D


You already know it is my favorite!!!

Mark when I was in the Marine Corps in the late 70's and early 80's I converted all my knives to a convex edge. Folks back tghen thought I was nuts.

Mike, this convex edge is SHARP!!!! It would be so easy to maintain too!
Convex is king, Mark. Everyone is talking Scandi right now, and Scandi has its place, but convex is a jack-of-all-trades grind. I convert all of my knives (except my two Scandi ground ones :P) to convex, first thing.

ETA: I am particularly fond of knives with a full-flat grind with a convex secondary bevel
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Love the convex, I have one from you Mark! Second is the flat with convex edge. I recently got a 1x30 cheap belt grinder and use the slack section to put a convex on most knives. Takes me no time and with a surgisharp leather belt get consistent hair popping edges in minutes.
Mark I maintain my convex edges on homemade stops with diamond paste. Generaly down to 1 or 1/2 micron. My edges look like a mirror and cut ya when ya look at em.

I actualy had a surgeon who stiched up someone who tried to steal one of my knives comment that the edge was several times sharper than the scalpels he used in surgery.

I really like convex. And 52100 holds it really well, as well as taking an exceptionaly crisp edge.

Another great thing about convex is ti is such a great working profile. Very sharp for regular tasks and yet strong enough to handle hard use. Bout the best you can get of both worlds.
Just to clarify about the above related incident.

I was informed of the incident by the individual when they approached me to make ammends for the theft.
I didn't have to cut em. While stealing the knives from in the top of a closet, one dropped and got em in the finger on the way down. From what I was told it cut a tendon and made quite a bloody mess.
Convex is my favorite. It also is best for what I like to do most, which is chop stuff up :)
I didn't have to cut em. While stealing the knives from in the top of a closet, one dropped and got em in the finger on the way down. From what I was told it cut a tendon and made quite a bloody mess.

Keep'em sharp and they'll defend themselves! Ha ha
I don't think I will ever try to steal a knife from Mike!

I has brought a new definition of sharp to the shop. My son labels it "the go to the house and lock the door and hide in the basement"
Yea Mark convex is king man. Wish I had gotten my wharnie PSK in convex instead of scandi. Been thinking about getting another one in convex.
i am definitely a fan of convex edge knives..:thumbup: i think it works well for just about everything.. they're fairly easy to mantain too.. a little stropping and your good to go..

check out the wicked sharp convex edge on this beauty, i just picked... it was made by Ban Tang..:D

That is nice Mike. Yea Ban has the convex thing figured out. He and only a few others put the "appleseed" on them the rest put a secondary grind on them for some reason. I prefer the appleseed myself.
My favorite is indeed the full convex. But a secondary convex edge is just as good cutting wise in most cases. Though in some it may not hold up as well in rough use such as chopping. In those cases where the edge is a thin convex use a baton.