Creek Stewart's new survival show on weather channel

Nov 20, 2005
Anyone see Creek's new show this past weekend on the weather channel? I wasn't aware there was a new show and saw it surfing the channels. Apparently this is the first show and about a couple who survived getting stranded in the mountains in a box canyon. Liked it a lot!

This show is reported to deal with actual survival situations, what people did, and how they made it out. Creek provides instruction on techniques and other experts offer advice.

If you haven't seen the show, you might want to look for it.
I saw it advertised but I missed it. I liked Creek in the last show and I was sad to see it taken off.
He talked about practice tactics.
I guess he doesn't have alot of fans on here.
I realize there's better than him, but there's also worse. That's why we have remote controls.
As I said above, I liked his practicality.
It was entertainment.
Huh, never know about the new show. I will definitely watch it. I like Creek.
His outdoor hacks book is good. Some neat stuff I've not seen before.--KV
Episode 1 was re-broadcast this evening followed by Episode 2. Another good show. It was a survival situation from about 10 years ago in Oregon which I knew about. James Kim didn't make it.
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know he had another show on the Weather Channel.
I finally got to see an episode last night! Many ppl don't get the Weather Channel with various satellite providers, ours just added it! Hence, the show isnt readily available to all.

The episode I saw was on hurricanes. Definitely good info for folks along the coast! Too bad it wasnt broadcast earlier this year!
I agree. Not a reality show but instead a show about real survival situations. Creek is a great guy who resists the temptation to degrade the people caught up in the scenarios. With many of these tv guys it is all about them, with this show it is all about the problem and how to deal with it constructively.

I hope the show does well.

The last episode was about hurricanes. I found the cooler idea for flotation pretty interesting. Water is one thing, but when you have a big storm surge and you add big waves and wind.... deadly combination. Creek mentioned if climbing into your attic is a possibility in such a scenario, you need to have the means to cut a hole in your roof to get out. I think if I lived in an area that had the potential for severe flooding or storm surge, I would keep life preservers on hand even if you don't own a boat.

A big need... Duct Tape!!
I finally got to watch three of the episodes of S.O.S. last night - hurricanes, vehicle in snow, and desert.
They were very well done and along with Creek was a mental health professional lady that gave excellent advice from the "psychological survival" point of view.
The feedback from the actually people who survived their ordeals was excellent.
Really good shows that are worth watching, I hope to see more of them.
That lady adds to the show. She has been in each episode so far. They should list her name in the credits. The Big Bend show was certainly interesting. It pointed out the unreliability of a stressed person's sense of distance and I think the guy may well have been doing a lot more walking than was necessary if he had a good idea of where he was going and a focus on maintaining that direction of travel. That was a pretty serious deal.

I have walked in a circle several times in the woods without even realizing it. Reminds me of one of our cats (kitten from last fall, so approaching one year old.) that apparently couldn't find his way home..... he finally made it and his little heart was beating like crazy.
Managed to watch a couple episodes last week. It is a different approach that tries to be more educational than entertaining. I'll watch it again.
Missed the shows last weekend. But last night I noticed on the Weather Channel that Creek was on. Watched a couple episodes that I hadn't seen. They were all good and well done. The snow mobile show as certainly interesting as was the guy who got lost just looking for butterflies. The butterfly show sort of reminded me of how I would react if I got twisted up (essentially dismissive until too late). But I would need to resist my normal tendencies. Calm down and think about solutions rather than shooting from the hip and running up and down mountain sides thinking where you needed to go was just on the other side. It might be, but think about it first before doing and potentially wasting all that energy.

The snow mobile guy was totally soaking wet with no known way (by him) to start a fire to warm himself in the middle of WY winter. When found, he had a core temp of 80 degrees. He probably should have been dead. He wasn't even wearing suitable clothing for the conditions.

Creek's fire starting demonstration with a bow was very educational for those of us that have never actually done it. I want to watch this again! The typical survival shows gloss over the details quite a bit. I know it's not necessarily easy, but Creek did a good job of showing you the how to of it.

Some lessons learned so far.... duct tape, try to be at least minimally prepared for the unexpected even when you're sure of yourself. Stay dry. So have a means with you to protect yourself from the weather. Carry fire making materials always along with water and a knife.

I keep adding details since no one has posted following me.
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I watched 3 episodes

All very educational and well shot

Will watch all episodes broadcast
The Weather Channel is still running the shows. I guess their ratings suggest that it is popular. The one thing that I don't own and will get are a couple mylar emergency blankets. They seem pretty fragile, but my suspicion is that I'll never use one anyway. Won't take up much space in a day pack. Really like this show and watch (at least half way watch) some episodes over and over again.