Crisis card sheath?

Jul 28, 2008
Jus wondering.. What do you guys carry your Crisis Cards in??

Mine doesn't fit in my wallet very good.. Plus, it snags and tears up the little sleeves/pockets whenever I try to pull it out/put it in :D

I want to get a simple leather sleave or something to put mines in... Does the $nody shop make anything like that?

Hopefully,,,,,,,,,, I should have my sheath by Chuddy, Tomorrow ,,,,,, I'll post pics ( had him make it with a belt loop) still thin enough to use in the back pocket as well !!!! He makes gr8 shit,,,,,have several of his sheaths for my Busse blades. :thumbup::thumbup: top notch !!!
Wow, he's going to finish it tonight and ship it tomorrow morning for me... That was QUICK... lol.. I just got the basic one without the belt loop.. It'll be carried in my pocket anyways..

Thanks guys for pointing me towards him!
As I promised , and the mail arrival allowed,,,,,,received my CrisisCard sheath from Chuck,,,,,had him add a X-Back to it,,,,,,,,, so it can be worn on the belt, Horiz. or Vert. . As always he did a gr8 job !!!!!!!! Even with the x-back still thin enough to just stuff it in a pocket .

Nice BM Gold Class! It's a real solid piece of work, isn't it? A fellow bought one from the shop last year and forgot the sheath! We didn't have his contact info and he never this year I grabbed it and my Izula sits in it when it needs to look extra special. :D
The sheath looks good Ronnie.. . Can't wait to get mine, should be here around Saturday I thinks......
You'll like it,,,,,,,,, perfect tight fit for retention ,,,,,, but still draws clean.The looks are impecable ,,,,,built extremely well.
Hopefully,,,,,,,,,, I should have my sheath by Chuddy, Tomorrow ,,,,,, I'll post pics ( had him make it with a belt loop) still thin enough to use in the back pocket as well !!!! He makes gr8 shit,,,,,have several of his sheaths for my Busse blades. :thumbup::thumbup: top notch !!!

Yo don't hate.... But aren't you worried you could bend it or warp it in your back pocket? ... From sittin on it all day?.. Or no.. :confused:
it has a belt loop,,,,,,,, and I don't weigh 350lbs. ,,,,,,,, lol

Yea I know but I thought you were gonna carry it in the pocket too... I figured you didn't weight 350lbs.... but you know.. my ass cheeks be hard as boulders mang... like diamonds... I just don't wanna bend my CC...
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Titanium don't bend easy,I punched it into a 2x4 a several times,,,,,it dint bend or hurt :D :thumbup:,,,,,,, and the sheath fits in a shirt pocket too,,,,,,,,, basically I been wearin in on my belt ,,,,,,,The Crisis is iffin I dope slap someone wiv it,,,, *THEIR* crisis,,,,,,,,, ill lil piece of gear,,,,,,, SnodyTime ,,,,,,, fo shoa ,,,,,, 100 ............ 24/7 much $$$ di dthat sheath set u back?....i don't have a crisis card but i have something similar from another maker....if u wanna keep it private would u mind pm'in me.....thanks boss....looks great....ryan
Mines came in today... Its good, but it doesn't retain the card at all :confused:... If I turn it upside down the card falls right out...

The only way I can get it to stay in there is if I put the card in upside down, with the sharpened portion exposed... Which kind of defeats the whole purpose of a sheath :grumpy:, but hey...
Mine works well,,,,,,,, I wear it on my belt sideways,,,,while riding my scoot,,,,,,,, ain't vibrated out yet ........ Try a piece of athletic tape on the inside of the sheath,,,,or both sides if nessassary,,,,,,,,, take a up a tiny bit of slack,,,,,,,, either way,,,if your using it in your pocket,,,,rightside up,,,,it ain't gonna go anywhere and will protect the pocket from the sharp edges !!!!!
Well I tried waterproof athletic tape and duct tape... No bueno... Aside from catching the edge of the tape nearly every time I slipped the card in, it was still too loose... Thanks for the suggestion tho...

Back to square one... I think I can fit 3 or 4 Crisis Cards in this thing... or a deck of cards :rolleyes:
ross-why not ocntact th emaker of the sheath...i have had one bum sheath over the years and the maker made good on it real charge at all either....ryan