Cure for balisong addiction? plus some questions

Jan 22, 2002
Hi group,
I just registered and this is my first post. My first balisong
was a bear mcg model purchesed around a Year ago. Good strong
blade but no pizazz. I used it as a heavy utility knife. About
2 months ago a saw and bought a BM-42. Ah, a knife of beauty
and grace. Since then after searching the net I bought a SWAT
Tigereye, a Bantangas double edge from knifezilla and have
ordered a kriss blade Bantangas balison direct from the Phillipins.
I have started flipping and have the bandage on the knuckle
to prove it. My wife is threatening to commit me if I continue buying.
Are balisongs indeed highly addictive?
Now to my questions. BM's seem to be very popular but to me
the Tigereye sold under the brands of s.w.a.t. and I think
"advanced tech" is a much smoother better knife. Really well
designed and constructed. Are there any more tigereye fans
out there or am I missing something? The Philipino made
knife I have is really cool looking and has good action but
I wonder what the weakneses of these balisongs are. Do many of
you use them for flipping and tricks.
Thank you for your responses to a beginer.
Welcome to the Bali-Forum Hollow.., hope you stick around and have some fun. On your SWAT Balisong you will find varying opinions.., and they definitely are "smooth" as you mentioned. If you go to the "SEARCH" function up at the top you will find lots of information on them.

Personally I'm not nuts about the "feel" of the knife in either design (brass or alloy handles).., but I've heard many that really like them. It is definitely a well made piece, so obviously it gets very subjective at some point. I also don't like the blade profile, as the top line seems to be broken up esthetically by a swedge that is to short for a 5" blade. <~~ again just my opinion.

The Filipino Handmade Balisongs actually range quite a bit in quality.., but if you flip them lots.., you will probably be doing some pivot-pin replacements in the future. Many of them are just not good knives.., but there are also excellent ones.., made by men with many many years of experience working in an age-old process.

If you hang out here.., you will learn lots.., and meet some very nice people.., so come back and let us know how you are doing. :)

You will enjoy your Model 42.., great knife, and a good selection for your first high quality Balisong!

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
I've never used a Swat bali but many people have said it flips very smooth. Aside from that, the blade is kinda ugly in my opinion.
Are balisongs indeed highly addictive? Now on to my questions.

:D :D Sounds like you know the answer to your "pre-question." Worded very nicely...And welcome to the forums!

Allthough I have not presonally handeled a Swat I am sure they're nice, but I dont think you can go wrong with the 42. I would highly reccomend an MT Tachyon if your budget permits, as far as workmanship and "smooth" goes, there's nothing like it! Good luck and hope to hear more from you.:)
Welcome ! and yes they are addictive, but it feels soooo goood ! Anyway, I have a SWAT and I like it very much. However, aluminum does'nt really hold up as you will see around the latch area. The handles tend to slam together regardless of construction really. I have the black coated version and in a short while there are a lot of dings in the handles around the latch. The coating tends to come off at some point too. Now Benchmade Balisongs are a whole other thing. Personally I love both the Ti handles and the old stainless handles. However, titanium just realy does it for me. The light feeling of the 42 and the other newer bali's is just a dream to me. Manipulations come from the ground up more than from the wrist, so these babies just fly. Especially when your used to big ol' stainless handles. I never liked brass, too heavy and too soft. The FHM balisongs never did much for me either. They look cool but the high carbon steel rusts and pits almost instantly. The pins bend and give very quickly. The fit and finish leaves alot to be desired as well. The 42 is a darn good first quality balisong. Start with the heavy ones, to warm up and get the manipulations down then take a 42 or other ti handled or even the swat aluminum and man do he fly ! I ave et to get my hands on a MT Tachyon but form all I know who own these, they are great knives. Plus I trust the quality control of Microtech enough to figure that they are very well made. I'll get one soon, very soon ! Good luck.....RDT
Are balisongs indeed highly addictive?

No. Not at all. I've only got what? 500 maybe? That's not addictive at all.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's been at least two hours since I checked on my eBay bids...
Originally posted by Hollowblade
My wife is threatening to commit me if I continue buying.
Good thing then. At least she'll keep you. Mine keeps dangling divorce papers in front of me. :D

Welcome. We'll try and work through your addiction. But, I suspect it's already too late for you :D
My wife (or ex or whatever) couldn't handle it in the end. The high I get from balis is better than anything else (like I'd know I don't even drink) out there. And in the end it's probably cheaper than spending $20,000 a week on heroine. Not to mention you don't have to shell out for rehab as no one has tried to figure out a 12 step program yet.
As you can tell, yes it is addictive.

You have 3.5 great knives already. (sorry, I dont much like the Bears, good starter knife though)

You have entered the bali craze at one of the optimum times. We now have many companies producing GOOD balisongs, and rumors of at least 4 other companies making them in the future.

That doesnt even count the customs such as Dobruski and the signature designers such as Mer (he takes blades and rehandles them. Search a bit, he does GREAT stuff)

You have many choices to choose from. Select a price range, select a blade style, select a handle style and you'll still have about 4 knives to choose from.

This is by far the best place on the net (world?) for bali info, just keep reading, doing searches and reading old posts.

Gollnick and TonCCW are walking BM archives, as well as Gollnick being a great article writer. Clay is the man when it comes to techniques and custom sheaths to hold your toys in. Then we have all the other people with bits of knowledge thrown in here and there. You wanna know something about a knife? Anything at all... I'll put 100 bucks on it that SOMEONE here knows the answer.

Welcome to the dark side:D
I'll bottom line this for ya...
There is no cure... :D
It's an incurable disease, but it's one that won't leave you with unsightly wrinkles and blemishes. :D :eek: :D
I've only got one, but that's enough for me. I just got a CD of BalisongXtreme from Clay and I play to practice the hell out my 42, until the pins fall out if need be. :cool:
Once you pick one up, you can never put it down.
Its my drug of choice, the High lasts for ever.:cool:
Howdy Hollowblade! Welcome to the forums. You've started out with, if anything, a good range of balis! I don't doubt that the 42 will become a trusted friend in the months/years to come. It was 4 years before I upgraded from the Chinese swinging poop-sticks. :p

And I really don't know what all this addiction talk is about... I can quit anytime I want... really! ;)
Ok. I can't hold it in any longer. Heres the scoop: In every balisong blade that is forged, they add a small ammount of morphine. So, everey time you cut yourself as a beginner, you get slowly addicted. As you get better, you progress to harder tricks to "accidentally" cut yourself.

That reminds me...It's time for my hourly aerial...:p
Mine must not have Morphine since I'm allegic(don't ask how I found that out) mine must have cocaine or something it it.
First I thought auto's were addicting, yep, they still are. Then I discovered bali's, yep they are addicting too. Now some jerk introduced me to airsoft guns. Damn, I hope there is some truth to "he who dies with the most toys wins".
zombie.gif know how they are working against addictive drugs and stuff? They're doing everything they can to get that s:barf:t outta the world...

What if they start that same campagne (sp?) against balisongs (and autos and soft guns for those who like that)?? :eek: :eek:
I mean, isn't that just horrible??

edited: Guess I have to put in a smiley here, so you know I'm not THAT serious. ;)