Death Chat - - - - March, 2003 "LIVE" !!!!! At the Indy Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
It's all over my friends!!!! Strabs captures the gold for the home team and Shaggi hangs in there as the longest lasting female!!!!! Some had to leave, some had to sleep, but it was the "Strabinator" who went the distance in the long run!!!!

Congrats. . . . . Way to go !!!!

Jerry Busse
Hell Jerry! I'm still awake and I'm ready to chat! I've got nothing better to do for now. If strabs crapped out, I win. Sleep is for the weak.:D
These Busse death chats are for those who truly believe that sleep is merely an overrated luxury. I had a training officer like that once.:mad: :(
Alright alright, I was the one who putzed and went off to sleep.

Strabs is da man!!!

I was the old man (that SUCKS!!!)

Good time was had by all attending!