Photos Dec 2019 - Black Friday Grab Bag Scores - Lets see what you got..

So no pics yet because it's late... But opened my 2nd grab bag and got something TOTALLY unexpected.

So to my total surprise, my grab bag came and it's a long box. OK.... A Rucki? One of those escaped Spartan Worn FMV14s (doubtful)??? As soon as I opened the box, and saw the pommel, my jaw dropped.

Years ago when I had first discovered Busse, I knew I couldn't afford any (any Busse); the craze at the time was the Swamp Rat Waki. I read about it, drooled for it, but knew I would never have it. Then about a year after that, I ended up coughing up what I had for a CG RMD and also a CG Rucki to discover what a Bussekin was like. That was AWWWEEEESOME, but when searching the used market for a Waki, it was just forever out of reach, both due to price and (in)availability. I knew then, and conceded, I would never be able to own a Waki; but was also SUPER happy with having my Rucki.

So now in my hands, is a crescent-shaped pommel inside a long box. I pull it out. It's the right length. I knew it then the Busse and Swamp crew sent me something special - my very own Waki that I "could never have". No custom handle. Not satin. Just good'ol tan coated and tan micarta. Perfect.

And then of course, inside the box was also a beautiful CS nuked NFBA and a Forest Green coated NFNO with Tan and Black G10 (LOVE that Forest Green coating!).

But the star that stole the show for me, was the one with almost the lowest price tag (just north of the NFNO by $12), out of left field, something that hasn't been seen on this particular thread.

Now... How 'bout that!
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Why am I having so much trouble uploading pics (files too large), and using imgur????
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Why am I having so much trouble uploading pics (files too large), and using imgur????

I had the same problem with mine (using Imgur) and somehow I was just trying to use the link for the gallery not the link for the actual picture itself.
Here.. .Flickr to the rescue.. (but had to get on a laptop)

Sorry for the crappy lighting and setting... it was on my living room carpet in the middle of the night. The NFBA's handle is much nicer in person! (and of course, the Forest green just shines, literally, in the sunlight)
Got my $500 grab bag and I am very happy I didnt end up with any custom shop stuff because I would just end up beating up any fancy handled knife I got. View attachment 1250586some nice infi here

Now that is a score I could really appreciate!

The CS work is great! Beautiful, and I have some...also, good for resale and/or trade when you get discounted CS work.

However, this type of bag is the kind for me, although I do love seeing the CS work up close and handling, even if I do a catch and release...

Grab bags are all good all around for so many reasons!

Wish I could have scooped a bag or 2 this go around just to see, although not in the cards (credit or debit) this year!
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I’ve had luck using my iPad and iPhone by not getting to close or zooming in. And also using a plain background for pic. Then I just use the upload a file and select from photos.

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View attachment 1252769

You can also download app for image size.
Could you please post the Silver/Blue&Black knife to the Color Combo Vault? It's not listed there yet. Thanks!

Would You mind posting this to the Color Combo Vault? That color combo hasn't been listed yet. Thanks!
OMG! I'm getting light headed guys - I had a page to catch up and I got "shocked and awed" by mazibuko mazibuko :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: -then page 17 - OMG, lmcq784 lmcq784 pulls out a breathtaking haul *Holy :poop:* creating a feeling of disorientation and dizziness - then Chris A Chris A drops the Mic ..WHOA :eek: now my breathing is erratic ... holy Jesus and Mary guys! ..... Whew` .... I need to fill my glass up immediately or I may pass out.... Wow man..... You gotta be happy with these scores :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Those are stunning scales on that Badger, Chris. Busse Combat Knives really swung for the fence with these GB offerings.

I was blown away when I opened it, It’s definitely a keeper.

OMG! I'm getting light headed guys - I had a page to catch up and I got "shocked and awed" by mazibuko mazibuko :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: -then page 17 - OMG, lmcq784 lmcq784 pulls out a breathtaking haul *Holy :poop:* creating a feeling of disorientation and dizziness - then Chris A Chris A drops the Mic ..WHOA :eek: now my breathing is erratic ... holy Jesus and Mary guys! ..... Whew` .... I need to fill my glass up immediately or I may pass out.... Wow man..... You gotta be happy with these scores :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

There have been some incredible blades! The boss man, crab shack and crew have just absolutely killed it!
OK, so after many many hours of playing with these images in post... I feel they are finally good enough to do justice to Busse's finish. My only wish, and I will be upgrading to a gold membership to fish for a trade is that the Rat had come in a different color G10 (not going to specify because I don't want to solicit offers as a free member, so don't ask me until I upgrade please.)

I'm very new to knives and not sure about a few things. I believe the Last Rites is rams horn. But much more than that I have no idea what any of the handle materials are. If anyone cares to enlighten me, that'd be awesome.

Gotta say it. Nice job to everyone at family Busse. Now, if I can just get my e-mail with you guys to work as well as your knives look and work, I'll be 100%!














And I thought I was going to get stuff I didn't want... /sigh
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