Deep Carry For Benchmade 741 Onslaught


Have you ever done a deep carry for a 741 Onslaught? Is it do-able?


Nope. Some of Bob Lum's clips are among the most challenging to remake into a fold over style using the mount patterns he came up with. This one is one that looks doable but I see problems weaving a fold over between the lanyard hole and managing to make it fold such that it stays positioned such that its allowing a good mount position. These are the type of clips that since I have never done one before end up many times being multiple attempts before I find something I am proud enough to let the public see and send back completed. In the past I let some clips get out of here that although I was never as happy with as I had hoped to be the customers seemed pleased and liked them.

This would be a $40 clip vs my normal cost and its due to the likely fact that I'll end up screwing up the first attempt and scrapping it learning from those errs to do the second attempt correctly or close enough to pass:D . I hope that makes sense. I'm not 100% on the lanyard being left open fully. The fold over could interfere with it slightly but probably no more than other knives I've done clips for and it would still be usable but maybe just have a slight block or partial block as I call it. Of course I'd try to prevent this but it may be more difficult than it looks. Seeing it in hand here on my bench can tell me more so I'd obviously need the knife in this case also.

Thanks for asking
My work order form can be found in the sticky posts top the page should you decide to allow me to see it here for the job..