Different steels in Gun Hammers

Have you guys seen Striderco's review of Dalibor's 3V knives in the testing and review section of the forum? Talk about a folding pry bar. I have a Regulus ordered.
Now I'm thinking a GH-styled large chopper out of 3V... Handle styled like a large version of the Gunny, and a large gunny guard, then an extended torpedo or bowie style blade.

Get out of my mind!! That's exactly what I was thinking, a large GH with a beefed up torpedo blade...
Here's my thought. I did a pair of sketches so you can see what I'm thinking. I may grind these out for myself just to see what they'd be like, if Darrel doesn't mind. Would naturally not be offered for sale if I did make them, since they're based on Darrel's design, obviously. If he likes, maybe he can make something like them available. I included the original gunny for scale. Large one is 17.5" OAL with a 12" blade, and smaller one is 11.5" OAL with a 7" blade.
