Dogsoldier Espada y Daga!

Nov 26, 1999
Love the Bowie Design Gallery!! If I could own one of each style shown I would be a very happy man!! Anyway, the Dogsoldier I and II look like a great Espada y Daga combination. The Dogsoldier II even has the upturned trapping quillons. Take the 18" ol DII in your weak hand leading, and the 22" ol DI in your strong hand, that would be a great combination. You could trap the opponent's blade with the DII's quillons while delivering the killing blow with the DI! Did you have Espada y Daga in mind when you designed the pair?
Khazar Kid,

Welcome to the GH forum. I'm glad you enjoyed the Bowie design gallery. If you have a new design or a modification to an existing design, draw it up and I'll be happy to put it up on the gallery.

As for the Dog Soldiers, they're not based on any particular design really. The DS1 was something I've been thinking about for a while. I wanted a big battle blade that could be carried tip down, on the back or attached to a pack, and drawn over the shoulder. Bigger than a Bowie but shorter than a short sword. The DS2 is a combo Bowie/Fighter.

I'd like to tell you that they're the result of years of study, research and design experience. The fact is that they took about 4-5 hours apiece to draw up. I guess the old saying is true; even a blind dog finds a bone once in a while.

Come back and visit again. The coffee pot is always on.


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Khazar Kid: Welcome aboard! May we entertain you with our schenanigans (I've been known to don bee costumes on several occasions).

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