Edge angle on the Trail Boss?

Dec 4, 2003
Recently bought the forementioned knife wich is kind of ugly but cool looking at the same time. At first I thought it was the ugliest knife I´ve ever seen but now I like it and I´m very fond of the feel of the handle, so suddenly I dont want to give it away anymore.
The blade design is kind of quirky and I would have prefered the smaller model, dont remember the name.The thing is I would like to know the sharpening angle on the blade when it leaves the factory.

Any ideas?
Yes, Hjalmar, it is an ugly but cool knife. I bought a few at way below wholesale, and had to give them all away. Just couldn't sell them, although everyone I gave one to loved the knives once they used them.

But as for your question, we've sorta been abandoned by the official Schrade moderator. Tim Faust has not checked in for months. But take a look at the other posted messages here and you'll find one of our forumites (our unoffical leader: LT) has created a great learning place.

Although perhaps someone will have an answer for you.

This is one that requires a call to Schrade (see number this site Schrade home page) just explain the question to the operator and she should connect you with someone who can give you the right specs. In the past ( years ago ) they would include a little piece of card board right in the packaging with a diagram and instructions on how to sharpen the knife you had just purchased. See attached. LT
That was an interesting picture, LT. It is funny how techniques might vary over time, even within the same company.
In a "Whittlin'" kit I picked up a while back, (not the new one with Walt Garrison), it says...

"Place the blade on the stone and raise the back of the blade to a 10-15 degree angle"...Quite different than 20 degrees....Was your example from a fixed blade or a folder?

"Move the knife in a small circle, figure eights or whatever motion works best for you".... Rather than draw against the edge.

Interesting how techniques can vary. Maybe because of steel type? Or fixed versus folder?
Anyway, we always enjoy visiting your "Library" ;)

Keep rooting for "The Black Knights of the Hudson." A new year is just around the corner.
