Emerson CQC's


Oct 3, 1998
Hey Les,

W/all this talk recently about the apparent "rarity" of certain non custom knives, please let us know, if you know (or can find out), about how many CQC5's, 6's, 7's etc. has Ernie actually produced. When they're available, they seem to command a premium and are as solidly made and as sharp as any Microtech (at least the few I've handled). I've seen AZCK advertise these Emersons as "rare", how really "rare" are these knives?
I'm not Les, but I'll share this experience if you don't mind:

They are rare enough that at the Blade Show West, I saw dealers win a raffle ticket to buy one, buy it for $550, walk across the floor to their booth, blatantly put an $800 price tag in it, and sell it within the hour! This happened repeatedly.
I don't know about numbers produced, but I'd say that's pretty rare.

Hi Imp

No one knows how many of each CQC has been made, not even Ernie. This will pose a possible problem for down the road collectors.

His knives are available most of the time, Ive sold 42 this year so far. As Ernie continues to produce fewer and fewer custom knives due to other commitments they are becoming more difficult to obtain.

However, the demand for his knives is also on the downward trend. Fueled by constant delays and extensions on the delivery dates and the availability of his factory knives.

3 Years ago I was receiving 5 calls a day for Ernies knives, now I recieve 2 -4 inquiries a month. Many of the knives you see for sale out there are sold by the previous owners. There is no doubt that there is a demand. The shows that Ernie attends are proof of that. However, there are several makers out there now that produce a better quality tactical knife. John W. Smith, Scott Sawby, Joel Chamblin, Howard Viele, Brian Tighe, Greg Lightfoot, Bob Terzuola, Frank Centofante and others. However, probably no one maker has done more to bring tactical folders into the public eye. Although, Carson, Crawford and Terzuola were doing it before Ernie, so he had some help getting the path started.

As far as numbers being produced, the CQC6 leads the way. This is the easiest knife to find for sale, CQC 7's are next but are tough to find (for what its worth I think this is Ernies best knife), the CQC5 are extremly hard to find. I would hazard to guess that he has made less than 30.

If you do decied you want an Emerson folder and you see one available, buy it. They do sell for $800 - $1,000 depending on the model. I currenly have a all black CQC6 for sale $1,000. That is the top end for this style of knife. Most CQC6's and 7's are $800 - $850. This is because what the market will bear, all who sell these, including Ernie will agree these knives are not worth that kind of money on their own merit. But we know how silly the "gotta have" disease can make people. Remember the "Tickle Me" Elmo a couple Christmas's ago!

So Imp, that is a long answer to your question.

Short answer, No one knows!

