Evening Special for 4/19


Himalayan Imports Owner ~ himimp@aol.com
Apr 5, 2005
21 1/4 inch 44 ounce Gangawalla by Kumar. Satisal wood handle. Six tools with antler handle.
$295. *SOLD*

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Here I am the only person logged on for almost 3 hours, and Yangdu posts this gorgeous Gangawalla by Kumar, and I have to force myself to let it pass.

Why? It's just too heavy for me. As Clint Eastwood said in one of the Dirty Harry movies, "A man has to know his limits." I have some blades that are 44 oz and even heavier, but they're mostly two-handed, like the Tarwar.

Another thing that's helping me to restrain myself is that I recently got this very fine 15.5", 19 oz Char Chirra by Ram Kumar, that is like a younger brother to the Gangawalla:

So many knives and tools in one. Really want one of these. I will have to pass. I am expecting a special order knife from Yangdu and I still has a sword to buy! I'm thinking 30in sirupati. Had my eyes on it for years. Anyway! This one is really something! It may be one of the most useful I've seen for multi purpose
That is a beauty and I do love me antler handles.
Hope it finds a deserving home.
I absolutely love this. I would buy it if I hadn't bought about 1 dozen + in the last 2-3 weeks! I'm so impressed with this company and the hands on every knife Ms Yangdu examines! What a very precious lady!
Thats one beautiful package right there! Man! I just finished rebuilding me another computer and somebody pimped the forum whilst gone:confused:
Ha! You too eh! Must be some bad electrons in the air or something? Cant believe that blade is still there? 300 semolians is above my means at this point. Would be a hard decision between this one and the Kora? Back to the corner circle store.
Thank you for giving a nice home for Ganjawalla, George
David, do you know any specifics on the Gangawalla? To me, it seems like a new model samsher + fullers.

All I know is length, weight and what you see in the picture. Mine is not really a Gangawalla, though the fullers and handle are similar to the large Gangawalla posted by Yangdu at the top of this thread. There's a subtle difference in the blade shape, and a big difference in the size.
All I know is length, weight and what you see in the picture. Mine is not really a Gangawalla, though the fullers and handle are similar to the large Gangawalla posted by Yangdu at the top of this thread. There's a subtle difference in the blade shape, and a big difference in the size.

Between my active + lurking time here, I thought I'd seen most models. Made it a bit of a point to research everything so I'd know what it was if it popped on a DOTD. Now we're seeing Char Chirras and Gungawallas, thought something might have slipped past me.

I too have a CC, similar to yours but @15/15. The gunga W does seem like a cousin, but my impression right now is "Skinny Foxy Folly."

Guess we'll just have to hammer on George until he gives up a first impressions/review, eh? ^_^