Feedback on the Buck 124?

As the owner of a 124 and a pit
Both have proven there worth
As Always Depends on the owner of said Item
As far as the pit my and my Families Baby and her Mom Chloe just passed a week and 2 Days ago,
They both loved the snow the 124 also many hours in the snow and woods,
It always falls in the users and or owners hands

What sheath do you use for that?
It fits just fine In the factory swivel sheath. But right now I have it in a Spec-Ops sheath. Nylon doesnt seem to do the 124 justice. Just doesn't look right. The 124 wears leather pants the best.
It fits just fine In the factory swivel sheath. But right now I have it in a Spec-Ops sheath. Nylon doesnt seem to do the 124 justice. Just doesn't look right. The 124 wears leather pants the best.
Not many of us would look good in leather pants, I hear David wears them best.:D
Not many of us would look good in leather pants, I hear David wears them best.:D

Now he only went to that bar once, and he swore it was bad directions from google maps, he was looking for a "Happy Wrangler" denim store.....

When I was young and still had 2 good legs for hunting, I hunted for 40 odd years. I carried a knife about the size of the 105 in the field or the case equivalent of the 317. Now that I have more time and knives I wish I could tryout some of the Buck knives in the field. I have grown fond of the 124.
I still think it would be to large for most field work but I would like to give it a try.

I admit, one of the reasons I'm drawn to the 124, is it looks like a fairly stout camp knife, but without the "tactical" look.
I resisted getting a 124 for a long time because I felt it is just too big. However, I finally decided I should have at least one for my collection and I like it more than I thought I would.


124-3 copy.jpg
Thanks for posting this photo Haebbie. As I wanted to discuss a 124 like this. Look at Mak's knife in post 41 and notice it has a different tip
than Haebbie's. More stubby. Whereas Haebbie's knife the point protrudes. The models with this I find more useful. A better user friendly point.
Thanks for posting this photo Haebbie. As I wanted to discuss a 124 like this. Look at Mak's knife in post 41 and notice it has a different tip
than Haebbie's. More stubby. Whereas Haebbie's knife the point protrudes. The models with this I find more useful. A better user friendly point.
You're welcome, David. For me Mak's 124 looks like a somewhat shortened blade. It is a well done reshaped blade tip. What do you think, my turquoise handled 124 has the original tip all the other 124 had at this time.

I listed after a 124 for a long time. When I finally traded into one-I was totally disappointed!

It felt like I was holding a knife with a 2x4 handle! Bummer! I traded or sold it off.

I probably should have kept it and modified the scales.
Just to keep things interesting here is a 124 clip pt that was done in 74-75 in the custom svc shop. According to Leroy they were customizing production knives per customers requests. Chuck finally said no more after any where from 50 -100 were done.
